HC Deb 17 July 1990 vol 176 c526W
Mr. Harry Greenway

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment to what extent the United Kingdom has been involved in the European Year of Tourism to date; and what plans he has to promote the United Kingdom's equestrianism during the European Equestrian Month in November.

Mr. Nicholls

The British Tourist Authority has taken the lead in co-ordinating the United Kingdom's participation in the European Year of Tourism. It has launched a number of campaigns to promote the interest and active involvement of the United Kingdom tourism industry and many events are taking place across the country throughout 1990. Thirty-nine United Kingdom projects have been accepted for co-funding by the European Commission.

A number of suggestions has been made for equestrian events during European equestrian month in November. The British Tourist Authority would be delighted to hear from the hon. Member if he has any specific ideas he wishes to put forward.