HL Deb 10 July 1990 vol 521 c257WA
Lord Rea

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will encourage cyclists, both young and old, to wear protective headgear.

Viscount Davidson

It is the Government's policy to do so. Over half of cycle casualities suffer head injuries. Good quality cycle helmets can reduce their severity and prevent many minor ones.

Children can particularly benefit from wearing cycle helmets given the type of accidents they are involved in. Helmet wearing is therefore an important item in Children and Roads: A Safer Way launched by my right honourable friend on 8th May, as part of his Safety on the Move Campaign. Schools are encouraged to introduce helmet wearing on a school-wide basis, and local authorities to seek sponsorship for reduced-price helmet purchase schemes. Sheffield City Council has an excellent scheme providing helmets to schools at a greatly reduced price and over 30 other local authorities now have similar schemes.

It is hoped that adults will realise increasingly the importance of helmets for their own protection, as they see and understand the benefits to children.

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