HC Deb 06 July 1990 vol 175 c721W
Mr. Flynn

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security if he will review the adequacy of social security provision for people with severe disabilities needing full-time care.

Mr. Scott

On 10 January we laid before Parliament "The Way Ahead: Benefits for Disabled People" which details our major proposals arising from our review of the balance and structure of social security benefits for disabled people and their carers. The existing benefit structure already recognises that disabled people have extra needs. The OPCS survey findings showed that attendance allowance and mobility allowance are well targeted on the most common of the more costly disabilities. From October 1990 a carer's premium, initially at a rate of £10 a week, will be introduced into income support and housing benefit for those receiving invalid care allowance. We estimate that this will help 30,000 carers.