HC Deb 03 July 1990 vol 175 cc506-10W
Mr. Allen

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will list the studies conducted inside his Department by management consultants over the last 10 years, naming the consultancy, the cost, the subject and the outcome in each instance.

Mr. Cope

With the exception of the cost, which consider would be a breach of commercial confidentiality, the information is as follows:

Consultancy Subject Outcome
Beecom (NI) Ltd. Monitoring the implementation of productivity/bonus schemes Systems implemented
Institute of Manpower Studies Development of an Equal Opportunities Monitoring System System developed
Beecom (NI) Ltd. Monitoring the implementation of productivity/bonus schemes Systems implemented
Deloitte Haskins and Sells (now Coopers and Lybrand Deloitte) Development of an improved Management Information System Introduction of an improved Management Information System
Gilpin Black Associates Developing input/output measures for individual assignment teams Improved means of measuring performance
Institute of Manpower Studies Development of an Equal Opportunities Monitoring System System developed
Beecom (NI) Ltd. Monitoring the implementation of productivity/bonus schemes Systems implemented
Coopers and Lybrand Associates (NI) Ltd. Castlenavan Quarry, (DOE owned). Advising the Department on accounting procedures appropriate to a quarrying operation Majority of recommendations accepted and implemented
Design of Bookkeeping system for Government Accounts Branch System introduced
Deloitte, Haskins and Sells Financial Management Survey in two of the Education and Library Boards Recommendations translated into Action Plans for implementation
Institute of Manpower Studies Development of an Equal Opportunities Monitoring System System Developed
Purchasing Index (UK) Ltd. Assistance with establishment and developing Central Unit of Purchasing Unit established and operational
Touche Ross Review of current Management Information Systems within the Standard Capital Grants Scheme Of the 16 recommendations made, three were rejected because they were already in place, eight referred to variations on current practice and the remaining five were implemented
PA Management Consultants Report on shift and complementing study (Fresh Start) Report commissioned aid with Fresh Start. Proposals were ultimately rejected
Coopers and Lybrand Associates Awareness and effectiveness of the Standard Capital Grants Scheme The report showed that the Capital Grants Scheme was not cost effective and did not provide good value for public money. It was decided to end the scheme as from 31 March 1988 and re-target resources more effectively
Financial Management Survey in other three Education and Library Boards Recommendations translated into Action Plans for implementation
Deloitte Haskins Sells Financial Management Survey in two of the Education and Library Boards Recommendations translated into Action Plans for implementation
Diane Bailey Associates To provide training for Senior Management in the introduction of the new Staff Appraisal System Staff Appraisal System successfully implemented
Institute of Manpower Studies Development of an Equal Opportunities Monitoring System System developed
PA Management Consultants Development of Organisation Development Programme Implemented Organisation Development Programme
Miss D. M. Phillips Legislative and functional review of the Department's Historic Monuments and Buildings Branch Recommendations partially accepted
Purchasing Index (UK) Ltd Development of permanent arrangements following Central Unit of Purchasing and the monitoring of oil buying for Northern Ireland public sector Agreement to establish Government Purchasing Service
A. A. Wright Development of car leasing scheme Savings across Northern Ireland public sector
BIS-Beecom International Ltd. To prepare incentive bonus schemes to improve the efficiency of the directly employed labour in the Department's Water Service Incentive bonus schemes being introduced

C. Dermot Boylan Northern Ireland share of Whitehall investigation into works contracts Lectures to project sponsor
Capita Ltd. Presenting Market Testing Seminar Presentation
CIPFA Services Ltd. Engaged by DOE's Water Service to undertake a purchasing study Recommendations partially implemented
Coopers and Lybrand Associates (NI) Ltd. Review of privatization options on vehicle inspection Recommendations partially implemented
Evaluation of tenders for sewer and mobile plant maintenance in the DOE's Water Service Implemented
W. Halcrow Efficiency Study of the DOE's Environmental Protection Division Conclusions still under consideration
PA Management Consultants Typing Services Recommended that typing service should conduct an organisational Development (OD) Programme
Development of OD Programme Recommendation implemented Organisation Development Programme
Miss D. M. Phillips Legislative and functional review of the Department's Historic Monuments and Buildings Branch Recommendations partially accepted
Policy Research Institute Evaluation of the Belfast Action Teams (1–6) Ongoing
Purchasing Index Ltd. Monitoring of oil-buying for Northern Ireland public sector Oil buying monitoring
BIS-Beecom International Ltd. to prepare incentive bonus schemes to improve the efficiency of the directly employed labour in the DOE's Works Service Incentive bonus schemes being introduced
Business and Economic Initiative Market Testing Computer Bureau In house bid prepared
Capita To lead the market testing exercise of the TC Stores which service the Training Centre Network Ongoing—for completion in 1990
Coopers and Lybrand Associations (NI) Ltd. Financial Management Survey in other three Education and Library Boards Recommendations translated into Action Plans for implementation
Review of privatization options for vehicle inspection Recommendations partially implemented
Evaluation of tenders for sewer maintenance and repairs in the DOE's Water Service Implemented
Evaluation of the Belfast Action Teams (7–8) Ongoing
Coopers and Lybrand Deloitte Market Testing Computer Bureau Used to support decision to move towards formal tender action
Gilpin Black Associates Advice to Training Centre network on means to achieve registration of Ballymena TC for British Standard 5750 (Quality Assurance Level) Ongoing—for completion in 1990
Institute of Manpower Studies Development of an Equal Opportunities Monitoring System System Developed
MMM Consultancy Ltd. Review of Transport and Mobile Plant in the Department of the Environment Recommendations under consideration
Peat Marwick McLintock Engaged by the DOE's Roads Service to undertake efficiency study at Castlenavan Quarry Majority of recommendations accepted and being implemented
Price Waterhouse Review of Departmental investment arrangements Recommendations being considered
Purchasing Index (UK) Ltd. Monitoring of oil-buying for Northern Ireland public sector Oil buying monitoring
J. C. Stott 1. Effect of Government purchasing on smaller firms in the single European Market Government purchasing service developing arrangements for accreditation of suppliers, improve vetting, better information, better links with EC
2. Development of public purchasing system
J. W. Struthers Crown car lease hire scheme Scheme implemented
WDR Taggart Feasibility of contracting out grounds maintenance of country parks The study concluded that very limited savings could be achieved
Medical Director, Home Office Report on Workings of Prison Medical Services for MMRD Report MMRD Report on Prison Medical Services
Psychological Services for Kent Psychological tests for new recruits Advice on recruitment by using psychological tests analysis. As a result the Northern Ireland Prison Service was able to eliminate a number of unsuitable candidates