HC Deb 11 January 1990 vol 164 cc706-8W
Mr. Kilfedder

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how much of the additional £50,000 allocated by the Eastern health board to the North Down and Ards unit of management was intended for the wages of home helps and how much for the salaries of clerical and administrative staff.

Mr. Needham

The allocation will be used to provide an additional 15,000 home help hours in a full year. None of it will be used for the salaries of either clerical or administrative staff.

Mr. Kilfedder

To ask the Secretary of State for Northen Ireland what effect he estimates the appointment of a manager for each unit of management in the Eastern health board area will have on the cost of administration and the numbers of staff.

Mr. Needham

As part of the management restructuring exercise being undertaken by the Eastern health and social services board the present 14 units of management are being reorganised to form nine units with effect from 1 April 1990. A unit general manager has been appointed to each and the cost of the introduction of the new structures will be met within the board's overall provision for management costs.

Mr. Kilfedder

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what has been the number of full-time clerical and administrative staff employed by the North Down and Ards unit of management of the Eastern health and social services board in the years 1986–87 to the present day; and what was the total cost of their salaries and associated expenses.

Mr. Needham

The information requested in respect of clerical and administrative staff in the North Down and Ards unit of management is in the table:

Year Number1 Salaries2£000's
1986–87 113 701.7
1987–88 129 916
1988–89 131 1,028.1
1 Full-time administrative and clerical staff.
2And related expenses.

Mr. Kilfedder

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what is the salary of the new post of manager of a unit of management in a health board; and what was the salary payable to the person who was previously in charge of a unit of management.

Mr. Needham

The unit general manager grading structure provides for five grades based on the unit's estimated revenue expenditure and on the presence or absence of teaching responsibilities. The flat rate salaries range from £22,150 to £31,020 in addition to which discretionary awards of up to 15 per cent. on basic salary, and performance related pay are available. As these are new posts and units were previously managed by a unit management team acting collectively, no direct comparison with previous post holders is possible.

Mr. Kilfedder

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland whether he will set out the job description agreed by the Eastern health and social services board for the position of manager of units of management.

Mr. Needham

I have arranged for a copy of the job description, which is considerably detailed, to be sent to the hon. Member.

Mr. Kilfedder

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what are the personal circumstances taken into account by the Eastern health board in targeting the individual clients most in need of the home help service; what is the reason for the exclusion of former clients from the benefits of the service; and whether there are any differences between the various units of management in the criteria they adopt.

Mr. Needham

Assessment of clients for the home help service in all boards is based on the ability of the individual to perform a wide range of daily personal and domestic tasks including dressing, washing, feeding and lavatorial functions. Account is also taken of the level of support available from the client's family and other sources. Decisions about the level of assistance appropriate in individual cases and the criteria to be applied are matters for the boards in the light of local circumstances and priorities.

Mr. Kilfedder

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland whether the positions of manager of the various units of management of the Eastern health board were publicly advertised before the recent appointments were made; whether the job description was the same for each post; and when the interviews took place.

Mr. Needham

The unit general manager posts in the Eastern health and social services board were publicly advertised before the appointments were made. The outline job description was the same for each post and interviews were held from 22 to 29 November 1989.