HL Deb 27 February 1990 vol 516 cc723-4WA
Lord Donaldson of Kingsbridge

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Following the unstarred question of 18th December last on Visitors' Centres in prisons (H.L. Deb., cols. 87–100) whether they are yet in a position to give the following information, prison by prison: (i) How many prisons at present have visiting centres which the Prison Department considers adequate; (ii) how many have centres which the department considers need improvement, and how many have none at all; (iii) at the rate of the proposed programme of three new centres a year, how many years it will be before all 125 prisons plus any new ones are properly equipped with Visitors' Centres.

The Minister of State, Home Office (Earl Ferrers)

: According to the latest available information there is a visitors' reception centre at each of the 19 establishments listed in the table. The facilities and services which they offer vary widely and we believe that it would be wrong to lay down a fixed standard for all centres as each must seek to meet the particular needs of visitors to the establishment concerned. In general it is preferable for the role of each individual centre to be developed locally. The Prison Department has, however, issued broad guidelines to establishments and voluntary organisations on the running of visitors' centres. A copy of the guidelines has been placed in the Library. It is for the management committee of a visitors' centre to consider what facilities it needs in the light of the guidelines and local circumstances.

At 70 other establishments there are waiting areas of various kinds for visitors. There are no such facilities at the remaining 35 establishments.

It is not possible to say when there will be a visitors' centre at all establishments where there is a need for one. On current plans it should be possible to help to meet the running costs of at least 15 new centres over the next three years, if suitable accommodation can be found. More could be opened in that time depending on the availability of funding from other sources, including from within the voluntary and private sectors.

Prison Service establishments with a visitors' reception centre at 20th February 1990

  • Birmingham
  • Brixton
  • Dartmoor
  • Dorchester
  • Durham
  • Erlestoke
  • Exeter
  • Feltham
  • Garth
  • Haverigg
  • Hull
  • Leicester
  • Lewes
  • Lindholme
  • Manchester
  • Onley
  • Oxford
  • Stafford
  • Swinfen Hall.