HC Deb 20 February 1990 vol 167 cc630-5W
Mr. Straw

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will list the amount of total local authority expenditure on education other than higher education in each year since 1979–80 in cash and in 1989–90 prices under the budget heads published in table 11.2 of "The Government's Expenditure Plans 1990–91 to 1992–93", chapter 11, page 3, Cm. 1011.

Mr. MacGregor

The information requested is shown in tables 1 and 2.

Table 1
Local authority expenditure
£ million cash
1979–80 1980–81 1981–82 1982–83 1983–84 1984–85 1985–86 1986–87 1987–88 1988–89 1989–90
Under-fives 177 222 241 274 296 331 350 397 447 510 561
Primary schools 1,706 2,086 2,258 2,349 2,416 2,485 2,612 2,952 3,331 3,694 3,988
Secondary schools 2,354 2,952 3,304 3,544 3,735 3,858 3,949 4,360 4,694 5,013 5,261
Special schools 249 309 347 382 412 432 462 513 555 619 666
Meals and milk 422 397 396 411 426 428 436 457 443 403 404
Transport 136 160 174 184 195 199 208 215 222 235 254
Non-maintained school fees 137 157 107 114 118 121 117 131 145 153 158
Teachers' centres 21 23 24 28 32 48 56 59 64
Child guidance 26 28 28 31 35 37 57 64 72
Pupil support 24 26 27 32 35 39 42 44 47
Further and continuing education
Further education 546 688 790 878 931 998 979 1,054 1,148 1,250 1,349
Adult education 56 61 67 77 86 93 102 112 116 129 138
Discretionary student awards and support 84 95 107 121 132 142 152 170 187 180 203
Miscellaneous services, research and administration
Youth service 64 76 86 97 109 117 125 140 165 176 190
Recreational services and research 33 36 41 46 54 58 58 65 63 65 72
Administration and inspection costs 298 367 405 435 477 503 537 608 665 746 862
Technical and vocational initiative (TVEI) 6 22 33 61 51 76 100
Work-related further education (WRFE) 61 104 106 104 96
Mandatory student awards 534 663 770 669 734 744 710 703 761 808 897
Total current spending 6,795 8,268 9,163 9,658 10,206 10,622 10,993 12,166 13,255 14,329 15,381
Schools 286 347 257 266 284 273 276 278 283 283 527
Higher and further education 75 107 85 117 116 125 136 144 109 110 93
Miscellaneous education services
Youth service 7 6 6 12 10 12 11 11 12 10 17
Other education services 5 12 13 18 15 13 9 9 23 20 26
Total capital spending 373 472 361 413 424 423 432 442 427 423 662
Total local authority expenditure 7,168 8,740 9,524 10,071 10,630 11,045 11,425 12,608 13,682 14,752 16,043

Table 2
Local authority expenditure
Repriced to 1989–90 prices
£ million
1979–80 1980–81 1981–82 1982–83 1983–84 1984–85 1985–86 1986–87 1987–88 1988–89 1989–90
Under-fives 357 378 374 396 409 436 437 480 513 546 561
Primary schools 3,437 3,551 3,501 3,397 3,338 3,271 3,263 3,567 3,823 3,953 3,988
Secondary schools 4,743 5,026 5,123 5,125 5,161 5,078 4,933 5,269 5,387 5,364 5,261
Special schools 502 526 538 552 569 569 577 620 637 662 666
Meals and milk 850 676 614 594 589 563 545 552 508 431 404
Transport 274 272 270 266 269 262 260 260 255 251 254
Non-maintained school fees 276 267 166 165 163 159 146 158 166 164 158
Teachers' centres 33 33 33 37 40 58 64 63 64
Child guidance 40 40 39 41 44 45 65 68 72
Pupil support 37 38 37 42 44 47 48 47 47
Further and continuing education
Further education 1,100 1,171 1,225 1,270 1,286 1,314 1,223 1,274 1,317 1,338 1,349
Adult education 113 104 104 111 119 122 127 135 133 138 138
Discretionary student awards and support 169 162 166 175 182 187 190 205 215 193 203
Miscellaneous services, research and administration

1979–80 1980–81 1981–82 1982–83 1983–84 1984–85 1985–86 1986–87 1987–88 1988–89 1989–90
Youth service 129 129 133 140 151 154 156 169 189 188 190
Recreational services and research 66 61 64 67 75 76 72 79 72 70 72
Administration and inspection costs 600 625 628 629 659 662 671 735 763 798 862
Technical and vocational initiative (TVEI) 8 29 41 74 59 81 100
Work-related further education (WRFE) 76 126 122 111 96
Mandatory student awards 1,076 1,129 1,194 967 1,014 979 887 850 873 865 897
Total current spending 13,690 14,076 14,208 13,967 14,102 13,982 13,733 14,702 15,212 15,332 15,381
Schools 576 591 399 385 392 359 345 336 325 303 527
Higher and further education 151 182 132 169 160 165 170 174 125 118 93
Miscellaneous education services
Youth service 14 10 9 17 14 16 14 13 14 11 17
Other education services 10 20 20 26 21 17 11 11 26 21 26
Total capital spending 752 804 560 597 586 557 540 534 490 453 662
Total local authority expenditure 14,442 14,879 14,768 14,564 14,687 14,539 14,272 15,236 15,702 15,785 16,043

Notes to tables:

1 The data in table 1 are those shown in table 11–2 of Cm. 1011 and the equivalent tables from previous public expenditure White Papers. Recurrent spending on higher education has been excluded, as has the "polytechnics (repayment of loans)" line from Cm. 1011 and the previous year's White Paper; a single sum is given for capital spending on further and higher education because the higher education element is not easily identifiable during the period in question.

2 The figures for 1988–89 and 1989–90 are provisional. Those for 1988–89 incorporate a distribution by sector of total current spending by local authorities based on their provisional outturn expenditure on education. The 1989–90 figures incorporate a provisional distribution by sector of total current spending by local authorities based on their budgets.

3 Figures for the breakdown of spending between non-maintained school fees, teachers' centres, child guidance and pupils support are riot available for 1979–80 and 1980–81.

4 The data in table 2 reprice the data in table 1 to 1989–90 prices, using the current gross domestic product deflators.

5 Some of the columns may not sum due to rounding.

Mr. Straw

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will publish figures for the amount of central Government-funded current expenditure on schools for each financial year from 1978–79 to date, in cash, and constant prices, and with a real terms index where 1978–79 = 100.

Mr. MacGregor

Central Government support local authority current expenditure on schools through specific grants and through general rate support grant (from April 1990, revenue support grant) which is not hypothecated to individual services. The amounts of expenditure local authorities in England have spent on schools between 1978–79 and 1989–90 in the light of the resources available to them are shown in table 1. The figures take no account of the significant fall in pupil numbers over the period. The Government have also directly funded since 1987–88 expenditure on city technology colleges and since 1989–90 expenditure on grant-maintained schools. The current element of this expenditure is shown in table 2.

Table 1
Local authority expenditure on schools
Year Cash terms Real terms (1988–89 prices) Index (1978–79 = 100)
£ million £ million
1978–79 4,547 9,999 100
1979–80 5,181 9,756 98
1980–81 6,283 9,997 100
1981–82 6,898 9,996 100
1982–83 7,335 9,914 99
1983–84 7,677 9,913 99

Year Cash terms Real terms (1988–89 prices) Index (1978–79 = 100)
£ million £ million
1984–85 7,945 9,774 98
1985–86 8,236 9,615 96
1986–87 9,149 10,333 103
1987–88 9,992 10,717 107
1988–89 10,794 10,794 108
1989–90 11,475 10,724 107


1 The figure for 1978–79 contains small elements of central Government current expenditure. It is not possible separately to identify this element.

2 The cash terms figures are those shown in the Department of Education and Science chapters of successive public expenditure White Papers under the local authority schools heading, including expenditure on items such as pupil support and meals as well as direct institutional expenditure. The figures exclude grants paid by the Training Agency to local authorities in respect of the technical and vocational education initiative.

3 The figures for 1988–89 and 1989–90 are provisional. Those for 1988–89 reflect a distribution by sector of total current spending by local authorities based on their provisional outturn expenditure on education. The 1989–90 figures reflect a provisional distribution by sector of total current spending by local authorities based on their budgets.

4 The cash terms data have been repriced to real terms using the current gross domestic product deflators.

Table 2
Central Government direct current expenditure on CTCS and GM
Year Cash terms Real terms (1988–89 prices) Index (1988–89 = 100)
£ million £ million
1988–89 2 2 100
1989–90 15 14 700

Note: The cash terms data have been repriced to constant terms using the current Gross Domestic Product deflators.