- Carmarthen Southern Bypass 110 words c170W
- Bed and Breakfast 53 words cc170-4W
- Public Bodies 1,726 words c174W
- YTS 139 words cc174-5W
- Industrial Employment 355 words cc175-6W
- Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting Board 170 words c176W
- Agricultural Advisory Panel 224 words c176W
- Industrial Decline 68 words c176W
- South Wales Sea Fisheries Committee 34 words cc176-7W
- Education Spending 439 words c177W
- Training and Enterprise Councils 83 words c177W
- Waste Disposal Sites 86 words cc177-8W
- Singleton Casualty Unit 98 words c178W
- Mortgages 158 words