§ Mr. RogersTo ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will list, in order of frequency and with the estimated number of operations, the 10 most common forms of surgery for which patients are admitted to hospitals in(a) Wales and (b) each health authority in Wales.
OPCS operation codes1 Type of operation Number Wales 703–706 Dilation, curettage, biopsy, and excision of lesion of cervix 9,937 420, 421, 425–433, 439 Operation of stomach—other 9,291 607, 608 Cystoscopy (with destruction of lesion) 8,369 770–779 Post-natal or post-abortion operations 7,646 752, 753, 758–762 Delivery operations—excluding normal, Caesarian section and forceps 7,411 780–789 Treatment of fracture by operations 7,393 912–914 Excision of superficial lesion 7,219 941–959 Vascular procedures and operations with ill-defined site 5,610 742 Termination of pregnancy (excluding hysterotomy) 4,732 230–239 Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy 4,646 Clwyd 420,421, 425–433,439 Operation on stomach—other 1,587 607, 608 Cystoscopy (with destruction of lesion) 1,135 780–789 Treatment of fracture by operations 1,113 703–706 Dilation, curettage, biopsy, and excision of lesion of cervix 1,074 468 Sigmoidoscopy 1,052 230–239 Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy 1,018 912–914 Excision of superficial lesion 954 170–179 Operations on lens 927 941–959 Vascular procedures and operations with ill-defined site 849 770–779 Post-natal or post-abortion operations 762 East Dyfed 420, 421, 425–433, 439 Operations on stomach—other 1,184 607, 608 Cystoscopy (with destruction of lesion) 745 703–706 Dilation, curettage, biopsy, and excision of lesion of cervix 664 780–789 Treatment of fracture by operations 624 170–179 Operations on lens 583 752, 753, 758–762 Delivery operations—excluding normal, Caesarian section and forceps 576 230–239 Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy 543 912–914 Excision of superficial lesion 542 941–959 Vascular procedures and operations with ill-defined site 532 210,211,215–224 Operations on nose (excluding nasal septum) 505 Pembrokeshire 752, 753, 758–762 Delivery operations—excluding normal, Caesarian section and forceps 450 607, 608 Cystoscopy (with destruction of lesion) 420 770–779 Post-natal or post-abortion operations 401 780–789 Treatment of fracture by operations 393 703–706 Dilation, curettage, biopsy, and excision of lesion of cervix 343 400–409 Operation on abdominal wall, peritoneum, and mesentery 323 941–959 Vascular procedures and operations with ill-defined site 317 912–914 Excision of superficial lesion 286 742 Other termination of pregnancy (excluding hysterotomy) 241 440–445 Operations on appendix 226 Gwent 912–914 Excision of superficial lesion 2,067 770–779 Post-natal or post-abortion operations 1,905 607–608 Cystoscopy (with destruction of lesion) 1,635 703–706 Dilatation, curettage, biospy, and excision of lesion of cervix 1,588 420,421,425–433,439 Operations on stomach—other 1,331 752, 753, 758–762 Delivery operations—excluding normal, Caesarian section and forceps 1,189 780–789 Treatment of fracture by operations 1,058 764–769 Caesarian section 742 410,411 Inguinal hernia operations 632 210,211,215–224 Operations on nose (excluding nasal septum) 616 Gwynedd 420, 421, 425–433, 439 Operations on stomach—other 1,091 703–706 Dilatation, curettage, biopsy, and excision of lesion of cervix 1,082 780–789 Treatment of fracture by operations 600 400–409 Operations of abdominal wall, peritoneum, and mesentery 584 607, 608 Cystoscopy (with destruction of lesion) 581 752, 753, 758–762 Delivery operations—excluding normal, Caesarian section and forceps 571
§ Mr. GristThe available figures for 1987 are shown in the table. However, the information may understate the true position in that not all hospitals provide complete clinical details relating to patient discharges and deaths.
OPCS operation codes1 Type of operation Number 170–179 Operations on lens 460 440–445 Operations on appendix 457 468 Sigmoidoscopy 397 764–769 Caesarian section 371 Mid Glamorgan 703–706 Dilatation, curettage, biopsy, and excision of lesion of cervix 2,228 607,608 Cystoscopy (with destruction of lesion) 1,725 770–779 Post-natal or post-abortion operations 1,602 780–789 Treatment of fracture by operations 1,601 752, 753, 758–762 Delivery operations—excluding normal, Caesarian section and forceps 1,601 420, 421, 425–433, 439 Operations on stomach—other 1,424 912–914 Excision of superficial lesion 1,293 651 Ligation of vasectomy of vas deferens 1,145 941–959 Vascular procedures and operations with ill-defined site 971 764–769 Caesarian section 931 Powys 703–706 Dilatation, curettage, biopsy, and excision of lesion of cervix 106 651 Ligation or vasectomy of vas deferens 93 770–779 Post-natal or post-abortion operations 78 410,411 Inguinal hernia operations 76 230–239 Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy 50 742 Other termination of pregnancy 40 890–898 Operations on veins 40 752, 753, 758–762 Delivery operations—excluding normal, Caesarian section and forceps 36 754–757, 763 Forceps delivery 35 400–409 Operations on abdominal wall, peritoneum, and mesentery 30 South Glamorgan 250, 251 Drainage of abscess and simple dental extraction 1,831 703–706 Dilation, curettage, biopsy, and excision of lesion of cervix 1,643 420, 421, 425–433, 439 Operations on stomach—other 1,609 770–779 Post-natal or post-abortion operations 1,471 912–914 Excision of superficial lesion 1,431 300–329 Operations on heart and intrathoracic vessels 1,218 607,608 Cystoscopy (with destruction of lesion) 1,163 252–259 Operations on teeth, gums and jaw—other 1,145 780–789 Treatment of fracture by operations 1,069 752, 753, 758–762 Delivery operations—excluding normal, Caesarian section and forceps 957 West Glamorgan 941–959 Vascular procedures and operations with ill-defined site 2,016 742 Other termination of pregnancy 1,784 752, 753, 758–762 Delivery operations—excluding normal, Caesarian section and forceps 1,485 703–706 Dilation, curettage, biopsy, and excision of lesion of cervix 139 880–889 Operation on arteries 1,049 703–706 Cystoscopy (with destruction of lesion) 964 780–789 Treatment of fracture by operations 928 420, 421, 425–433, 439 Operations on stomach—other 870 680–683, 685–689 Operations involving oviduct—excluding division and ligation 840 770–779 Post-natal or post-abortion operations 811 1 Based on a condensed list of the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys classification of surgical operations,3rd revision.