HC Deb 13 December 1990 vol 182 c500W
Mr. Allen

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security if he will estimate the cost, in 1991–92, of raising income support, community charge benefit and housing benefit personal allowances for people under 25 years to the level for those aged 25 years and over.

Miss Widdecombe

This information is not available, but I shall write to the hon. Member when it is.

Mr. Battle

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many persons aged 16 and 17 years are disqualified from benefit(a) for not taking a YTS place, (b) because they are homeless, and (c) by any other category in (i) 1988, (ii) 1989 and (iii) at the latest available date.

Miss Widdecombe

Information in the form requested is not available. However, in 1988 there were 3,881 disqualifications from unemployment benefit in Great Britain because a person either voluntarily left a YTS place without good cause, lost a place through misconduct, refused without good cause to apply for or to accept a place or neglected to avail himself of a reasonable opportunity of a place. In 1989, there were 863 such disqualifications. In 1990, up to September 1990, there have been 585 such disqualifications. Placements on YTS or YT schemes are not limited to 16 and 17-year-olds.

Homelessness is not a ground for refusal of benefit.

The number of applications for income support refused under the "severe hardship" provisions applying to 16 and 17-year-olds since September 1988 are:

1988 773
1989 6,164
11990 7,377
1 To end of November.