HC Deb 13 December 1990 vol 182 cc473-4W
Mr. John D. Taylor

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food for which countries the Hague preference applies in the Irish sea; if he will apply to have the Hague preference extended to Northern Ireland; and if he will make a statement about fish quotas in the Irish sea for 1991.

Mr. Curry

The Hague preference areas are the northern parts of the United Kingdom which includes Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. In the Irish sea, Hague preference is provided for cod, whiting, plaice and sole for both countries but for each of these the trigger point for the preference is higher for the Republic of Ireland.

The Commission's proposals for TACs and quotas for 1991 for the Irish sea which are set out in an un-numbered explanatory memorandum of 11 December, will be considered by the Council of Fisheries Ministers on 19 December. Under these proposals if they were to be agreed unchanged the Republic of Ireland could invoke Hague preference for cod, whiting and plaice.

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