HL Deb 11 December 1990 vol 524 c24WA
Lord Kennet

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What financial or other assistance has been provided by the United Kingdom, the European Community and the United States and other states, to those countries which have been particularly hit by the total embargo on trade with Iraq.

Lord Reay

At its last meeting on 5th November, the Gulf Crisis Financial Co-ordination Group announced commitments of aid totalling some $10.4 billion to Jordan, Egypt and Turkey, the countries most directly affected by the costs of making sanctions against Iraq effective. $6.0 billion has been pledged by Gulf donors, $2.2 billion by the European Community; and $2.2 billion by other donors. The United Kingdom's main contribution to restoring stability in the region is our substantial military deployment. We will also be contributing £60 million to the EC package of aid to Jordan, Egypt and Turkey. Apart from the countries in the Gulf, our overall contribution to the costs of the crisis, as a proportion of GDP, is second only to that of the United States and is considerably higher than that of the other countries involved.