HC Deb 23 April 1990 vol 171 c41W
Mr. Flynn

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales (1) what action he intends to take to avert flooding in the reenlands of south Gwent;

(2) if he will calculate the likelihood of a major flood in the Peterstone-Wentlooge and St. Brides areas of Gwent in the event of a tidal surge;

(3) what reports he has received of the overtopping of the sea defences in south Gwent, and the flooding in Newport and Caerleon during the recent storms; and if he will make a statement;

(4) if he will make an assessment of the expected rise in sea levels in the Severn estuary as a result of global warming and its effect on sea and river defences;

(5) whether he has received any representations from the National Rivers Authority and other bodies on action that may be required to improve the sea walls in the Peterstone-Wentlooge and St. Brides areas of Gwent to reduce the risk of flooding.

Mr. Grist

There will always be some risk of a major flood in the Peterstone-Wentlooge and St. Brides areas of Gwent during extreme events.

Under section 136 of the Water Act 1989 the National Rivers Authority has a duty to exercise a general supervision over all matters relating to flood defence. The Department is aware that overtopping of sea defences occurred in south Gwent and that there was flooding in Newport and Caerleon during the recent storms. No representations have been received on action that may be required to improve sea walls in the area specified.

Current estimates suggest that mean sea levels are likely to be between 25 and 40 cm higher by the year 2050. It is not possible to establish with any degree of certainty the degree of sea level rise on a local basis. The increased funding that is being provided by the Department for sea defence schemes is intended to build up the programme to enable defences to withstand the currently expected risk.