HC Deb 18 April 1990 vol 170 cc886-8W
Mr. Dewar

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security (1) how many single parent householders in Scotland are(a) in receipt of maximum 80 per cent. poll tax rebates and (b) eligible for poll tax rebate at less than the maximum rate in 1989–90;

(2) how many single pensioners in Scotland are (a) receiving the maximum 80 per cent. poll tax rebates and (b) eligible for poll tax rebate at less than the maximum rate in 1989–90.

Mrs. Gillian Shephard

The latest estimates are in the table.

Community Charge Rebates: Scotland 1989–90
Number receiving maximum rebate Number receiving less than maximum rebate
Single parent householders 70,000 10,000
Single people aged 60 or over 150,000 100,000

Mr. Dewar

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what was the estimate of the number of people in Scotland likely to take up their entitlement to poll tax rebate in 1989–90; and what sum of money was allocated for this purpose.

Mrs. Gillian Shephard

The Government do not make forecasts of the numbers entitled to benefits. Estimates of those entitled to community charge rebates will be able to be made retrospectively, when data from the relevant family expenditure survey becomes available. However, in the 1989–90 spring supply estimates (HC 231-XV 88-89) it was estimated that the number of charge payers in Scotland receiving community charge rebates was rather more than 1 million. The total local authority expenditure on rebates was estimated to be £201 million, of which £194 million was met through central Government subsidy.

Mr. Barry Jones

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security if he will indicate the number of people in(a) Alyn and Deeside, (b) Clwyd and (c) Wales who will qualify for poll tax rebate following the rise in the capital disregard to £16,000.

Mrs. Gillian Shephard

The models used by this Department produce estimates of the numbers of people expected to receive community charge benefit, not of numbers who may be eligible.

(a) and (b)—Reliable estimates of number of recipients cannot be provided on the detailed regional basis requested by the hon. Member.

(c)—The latest estimate of the number of individual chargepayers in Wales who will receive community charge benefit is 541,000 in 1990–91.

Mr. Dewar

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how much was spent on domestic rate rebates in Scotland in 1987–88 and 1988–89; how much was spent on poll tax rebates in Scotland in 1989–90; and what is planned expenditure on poll tax rebates in Scotland in 1990–91.

Mrs. Gillian Shephard

The latest estimate of spending on domestic rate rebates in Scotland is £212 million in 1987–88 and £168 million in 1988–89. The 1989–90 community charge rebate expenditure in Scotland is estimated to be £222 million and the planned expenditure for community charge benefit in 1990–91 is £232 million.

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