HC Deb 16 November 1989 vol 160 cc464-6W
Sir John Stanley

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list the individual amounts granted to United Kingdom nongovernmental organisations by the European Community in 1988(a) for projects in developing countries, (b) for development education and (c) other.

Mrs. Chalker

Under its NGO programme the European Community co-finances projects in developing countries and development education projects with European NGOs. Normally the Community contributes 50 per cent. of the costs of individual projects. In 1988, the latest year for which figures are available, amounts granted to United Kingdom NGOs were as follows:

(a) For projects in developing countries
Accord 141,307
Action Aid 456,231
Biblelands Society 239,568
Christian Aid 474,996
Concern Universal 54,784
Cooperation For Development 541,550
Commonwealth Trade Union Council 127,847
Echo 25,803
Health Unlimited 126,019
Help the Aged 238,178
International Boys Town Trust 118,191
International Christian Relief 140,479
International Extension College 239,401
Intermediate Technology Development Group 44,939
Leonard Cheshire Foundation 228,507
Marie Stopes International 481,729
Methodist Church 152,401
Namibia Refugees 20,000
Order of St. John 127,391
Opportunities for Women 18,638
Oxfam "18,313
Population Concern 326,873
Richmond Fellowship 82,661
Save The Children Fund 151,783
Scottish Education and Action For Development 19,209
SOS-Sahel International 332,804
Tear Fund 23,333
UK Foundation For People Of The South Pacific 17,088
United Nations Association—United Kingdom 86,127
Voluntary Service Overseas 205,286
War on Want 982,651
Water Aid 32,298
World University Service—United Kingdom 122,883
TOTAL 7,099,268

(b) For development education £
Birmingham Development Education Centre 50,513
Catholic Institute of International Relations 9,091
Centre For World Development Education 77,695
Christian Aid 119,561
International Broadcasting Trust 79,887
Mayday Publication 47,846
National Association For Developing Education Centres 200,369
Namibia Support Committee 112,014
One World Centre 7,694

ODA grants to NGOs 1988–89
Agency JFS Emergencies (Disasters Refugees Food Aid) Others Total
ACAFESS (Afro Caribbean Community Organisation) 130,130 130,130
Acord 255,500 627,991 274,427 1,157,918
Action Aid 253,361 751,066 303,668 1,308,095
Action Around Bethlehem 27,550 27,550
Action on Disability and Development 97,163 97,163
Action Water 10,000 10,000
Afghanaid 1,313,580 1,313,580
Africa Now 10,300 10,300
Aga Khan Foundation 195,183 1,364,857 1,560,040
Appropriate Health Resources and Technologies Action Group (AHRTAG) 131,039 337,715 468,754
Aid for India 20,826 20,826
African Medical Research Foundation (AMREF) 182,541 182,541
Avon Industrial Award Scheme 5,000 5,000
Band Aid 169,953 169,953
Boston—Jalchatra Project 12,000 12,000
Boys Brigade 15,349 15,349
British Airways Trust 48,500 48,500
British Executive Services Overseas 300,006 300,006
British Red Cross Society 16,797 1,697,582 1,714,379
British Refugee Council 6,000 6,000
CAB International (Commonwealth Mycological Institute) 57,437 57,437
Catholic Fund for Overseas Development (CAFOD) 625,000 3,189,990 3,814,990
Care Britain 394,949 2,752,509 991,946 4,139,404
Centre for Economic Policy Research 49,827 49,827
Centre for World Development Education 135,000 135,000
Christian Aid 1,375,000 3,620,561 438,000 5,433,561
Christian Outreach 189,103 189,103
Christians Abroad 17,000 17,000
CIIR 49,673 945,000 994,673
Commonwealth Human Ecology Council 50,013 50,013
Concern 39,202 1,093,668 4,581 1,137,451
Council For Education in World Citizenship 6,500 6,500
Council Of Europe North South Campaign 30,000 30,000
Co-operation For Development 205,884 338,700 544,584
Commonwealth TUC 51,020 51,020
Cusichaca Project 32,155 32,155
Disasters Emergency Committee 2,106,700 2,106,700
Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme 5,000 5,000
Equipment for Community Hospitals Overseas 6,307 6,307

(b) For development education £
Voluntary Service Overseas 16,627
Women Working Worldwide 28,839

(c) Other

In addition Christian Aid and Oxfam received funding for projects in consortium with other European NGOs.

The total grants amounted to £2,579,811.