HC Deb 15 November 1989 vol 160 cc325-6W
Sir Peter Hordern

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will publish a table showing the size of the national debt in(a) 1964, (b) 1970, (c) 1974, (d) 1979 and (e) at the latest convenient date.

Married women by husband's income and by range of income liable to tax 1989–90
Married women aged under 60 whose husbands have weekly incomes:
Range of wife's weekly income (lower limit) Over £53.56 but less than £150 Over £150
£ thousands per cent. thousands per cent.
0 1,010 59.4 3,910 50.4
53.56 50 2.9 250 3.2
60 110 6.5 560 7.2
80 100 5.9 490 6.3
100 150 8.8 510 6.6
120 80 4.7 410 5.3
140 80 4.7 370 4.8
160 50 2.9 380 4.9
200 20 1.2 150 1.9
220 20 1.2 170 2.2
240 30 1.8 560 7.2
Total 1,690 100.0 7,770 100.0

Adults by type and by range of income liable to tax, 1989–90
Range of weekly income (lower limit) All adults below pensionable age Adult men aged under 65 Adult women aged under 60 All single adults below pensionable age
£ thousands per cent. thousands per cent. thousands per cent. thousands per cent.
0 11,660 33.3 3,590 19.7 8,070 48.2 4,260 33.2
53.56 720 2.1 240 1.3 480 2.9 250 1.9
60 1,630 4.7 520 2.9 1,110 6.6 660 5.1
80 1,710 4.9 580 3.2 1,130 6.7 820 6.4
100 2,140 6.9 840 4.6 1,300 7.8 1,040 8.1
120 2,150 6.1 1,120 6.1 1,030 6.1 1,070 8.3
140 1,920 5.5 1,080 5.9 840 5.0 820 6.4

Mr. Ryder

Figures for the national debt are given in the table, which also shows the national debt as a share of GDP.

National debt at end of March
£ billion Per cent, of GDP
1964 30.2 92.3
1970 33. 65.7
1974 40.5 50.5
1979 86.9 46.
1989 197.4 39.


1964 to 1979 Financial Statistics, June 1989.

1989 Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin, November 1989.