§ Mr. Allan RobertsTo ask the Secretary of State for the Environment (1) what was(a) the number of dwellings let by local authorities between 1 April 1988 and 31 March 1989, (b) the number of local authority dwellings taken out of management during that period and not available for letting, (c) the number of local authority dwellings vacant and available for letting on 31 March 1989 in (i) Greater London, (ii) metropolitan areas outside London, (iii) non-metropolitan areas in the south-east, (iv) all non-metropolitan areas and (v) England as a whole;
(2) what was (a) the number of local authority dwellings let to new non-secure tenants, (b) the number of local authority dwellings let to new non-secure tenants who were homeless households between 1 April 1988 and 31 March 1989 in (i) Greater London, (ii) metropolitan areas outside London, (iii) non-metropolitan areas in the south-east, (iv) all non-metropolitan areas and (v) England as a whole;
(3) what was (a) the total number of households and (b) the number of homeless households housed by local authorities (i) through NMS or LAMS, (ii) through HALO, (iii) through other mobility schemes, between 1 April 1988 and 31 March 1989 in (i) Greater London, (ii) 798W metropolitan areas outside London, (iii) non-metropolitan areas in the south-east, (iv) all non-metropolitan areas and (v) England as a whole;
(4) what was (a) the total number of households and (b) the number of homeless households housed by local authorities through nomination to housing associations between 1 April 1988 and 31 March 1989 in (i) Greater London, (ii) metropolitan areas outside London, (iii) non-metropolitan areas in the south-east, (iv) all non-metropolitan areas and (v) England as a whole;
(5) what was the number of dwellings let by local authorities to homeless households referred by other authorities under the Housing Act 1985, section 68, between 1 April 1988 and 31 March 1989 in (a) Greater London, (b) metropolitan areas outside London, (c) non-metropolitan areas in the south-east, (d) all non-metropolitan areas and (e) England as a whole.
§ Mr. ChopeThe information for April 1989 is not yet available. I will write to the hon. Member when it becomes available.