HC Deb 09 November 1989 vol 159 c775W
42. Mr. Malins

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what steps his Department is taking to encourage the development in the United Kingdom of organic agriculture and horticulture.

Mr. Curry

A major step taken by my Department was to initiate the setting up by Food From Britain of the United Kingdom register of organic food standards (UKROFS) which on 2 May launched production and processing standards for organic produce and an independent certification and inspection system.

But the development of organic agriculture and horiculture is being helped in a number of other ways. I recently announced that we are introducing a comprehensive economic survey of organic farming, the results of which should provide organic farmers and growers with a better understanding of the economics of production. The fallow option of the set-aside scheme enables farmers wishing to switch to organic farming to prepare their land without forgoing income entirely. We are considering an organic option under the forthcoming extensification scheme. Organic farmers are able to benefit from the farm and conservation grant scheme and from assistance towards the establishment of co-operatives. A sizeable part of our R and D programme is of interest to the organic sector and we are receiving advice from the organic sector, co-ordinated by UKROFS, or specific R and D requirements. Finally ADAS is offering a specialised countrywide service to organic farmers and growers.