HL Deb 09 November 1989 vol 512 c1075WA
Lord Rea

asked Her Majesty's Government:

(1) What information they have about the demonstration against the Indonesian occupation of East Timor at the time of the Pope's visit there earlier this month; (ii) whether they are satisfied that those arrested have been treated humanely and will receive a fair trial; and (iii) what is their present position regarding the annexation of East Timor by Indonesia.

The Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Lord Brabazon of Tara)

A member of Her Majesty's Embassy at Jakarta witnessed the demonstration from close quarters and confirms that it was broken up by a minimum of force. But we were concerned to hear that two pupils from Fatumaka Technical School who were detained appear to have been beaten after the mass.

We understand that detainees have now been released, although we are still looking into one report that three persons remain in detention. We have received no reports of possible trials in connection with the demonstration.

We continue to support the UN Secretary-General in encouraging a bilateral settlement between Portugal and Indonesia which fully takes into account the interests of the people of East Timor.