HL Deb 08 November 1989 vol 512 cc934-5WA
Lord Kennet

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What estimate they have received and from whom, of the increase in greenhouse and other pollutants from the increase in car numbers and increase in roads that was announced in the Roads for Prosperity White Paper (Cmnd. 693); whether they will publish the advice they have received; and whether the increases are fully in line with Her Majesty's Government's announced intention to control pollutant emissions of this kind.

Viscount Davidson

Roads for Prosperity announced new forecasts of traffic demand up to 2025. It is not possible to foresee the extent to which it will be possible or desirable to meet forecast levels of demand for such a long period ahead. Another cause of uncertainty is that the total level of emissions will depend on the progress of the many initiatives being undertaken to reduce emissions by individual vehicles. For these reasons, estimates of the kind mentioned are not feasible. However, the proposals in Roads for Prosperity will, by relieving road congestion, help to reduce the level of pollution below what it would otherwise have been.