HC Deb 06 November 1989 vol 159 cc474-5W
Mr. McAllion

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what were(a) the total number of accidents, (b) the total number of fatal accidents, and (c) the total number of major accidents reported at workplaces in (i) Scotland and (ii) the United Kingdom in each year since 1975.

Mr. Nicholls

The available information for injuries reported to Her Majesty's factory and agricultural inspectorates and to the local authorities in Scotland and Great Britain as a whole is given in the tables. Figures for Northern Ireland are a matter for my right hon. Friend, the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland. Figures for the periods 1975–80, 1981–85 and 1986 onwards are not comparable owing to changes in reporting arrangements.

Year Numbers of reported occupational injuries1 to employees in Scotland resulting in
death2 major injury3 absence from work of over 2 days4
19755 55 n/a 22,833
19765 49 n a 26,789
19775 67 n/a 28,213
19785 59 n/a 25,999
19795 72 n/a 24,157
19805 49 n/a 21,732
1981 57 1,233 39,277
1982 57 1,239 35,115
1983 55 1,169 n/a
1984 47 1,162 n/a
1985 37 1,176 n/a
1986–876 41 1,878 13,958
1987–88 37 1,824 14,827
Year Numbers of reported occupational injuries1 to employees in Great Britain resulting in
death2 Major injury3 absence from work of over 3 days4
19757 461 n/a 247,909
19767 423 n/a 246,509
19777 390 n/a 248,828
19787 433 n/a 269,123
19797 433 n/a 250,465
19807 411 n/a 210,290
1981 351 11,079 259,252
1982 370 11,084 327,805
1983 370 11,270 n/a
1984 362 11,853 n/a
1985 321 12,112 n/a
1986–876 307 18,764 143,152
1987–88 308 18,347 146,773

n/a—not available

1 Injuries notified under the Notification of Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations, 1980 (NADOR) for 1981 to 1985, and the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations, 1985 (RIDDOR) for later years. Data for the years 1975–1980 are based on reports made under various legislation.

2Includes fatal injuries to members of the public arising from work activity in respect to those fatal injuries reported to local authorities 1981–1985.

3The category of major injury was first introduced by NADOR. The definition of a major injury was widened by RIDDOR.

4 For 1975–80 injuries notified directly to HSE under various health and safety at work legislation. For 1981–82, injuries resulting in claims for industrial injury benefit. From 1983–85 figures are not available as industrial injury benefit ceased in 1983. From April 1986 injuries reported by employers under RIDDOR.

5For Scotland, injuries in 1975–80 are those reported to factory inspectorate only.

6Year from I April 1986 when RIDDOR came into force.

7For Great Britain, injuries reported in 1975–80 are those to factory and agricultural inspectorates only.