HC Deb 06 November 1989 vol 159 c420W
Mr. Murphy

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science (1) what assessment has made of whether the 5.3 per cent. salary offer to teachers in maintained further education colleges will attract and retain top quality graduates and people with industrial and business expertise;

(2) what steps he will take to ensure that teachers remain attracted and committed to a career in further education; whether he has received the report by Hay Management Consultants on pay of principals of maintained sector colleges and if he will make a statement.

(3) whether he will bring forward proposals to establish for those teachers employed in adult education a properly graded salary structure.

Mr. Jackson

The pay and conditions of lecturers in further education, including adult education, are a matter for their local authority employers. At national level, they are negotiated by the employers and the lecturer unions in the National Joint Council (Further Education).