HC Deb 06 November 1989 vol 159 cc457-9W
Mr. Clay

To ask the Secretary of Sate for Social Security if he will update to April 1990 to the information provided in the reply of 28 November 1988 to the hon. Member for Derby, South (Mrs. Beckett)Official Report,columns 93–96, relating to child support.

(a) (b) MICUB rate (c) Dep increase (d) Child Benefit/Family allowance (e) Total child1 support (f) Column (e) as a percentage of column (b) (g) Column (e) ex- pressed at April 1989 prices2 (h) Column (g) as index April 1989=100
Date £ £ £ £ £
5th July 1948 2.10 0.375 0.25 0.625 29.8 9.02 62.2
30th August 1951 2.10 0.625 0.25 0.875 41.7 10.74 74.1
24th July 1952 2.70 0.65 0.25 0.90 33.3 10.20 70.3
19th May 1955 3.25 0.75 0.40 1.15 35.4 12.24 84.4
6th February 1958 4.00 1.10 0.40 1.50 37.5 14.17 97.7
6th April 1961 4.625 1.35 0.40 1.75 37.8 15.70 108.3
7th March 1963 5.45 1.60 0.40 2.00 36.7 16.68 115.0
28th January 1965 6.50 1.85 0.40 2.25 34.6 17.77 122.6
28th October 1967 7.30 2.10 0.40 2.50 34.2 18.06 124.6
llth April 1968 7.30 2.05 0.75 2.80 38.4 19.40 133.8
lOth October 1968 7.30 1.90 0.90 2.80 38.4 19.16 132.1
6th November 1969 8.10 2.20 0.90 3.10 38.3 20.08 138.5
23rd September 1971 9.70 2.80 0.90 3.70 3.81 20.58 141.9
5th October 1972 10.90 3.30 0.90 4.20 38.5 21.53 148.5
4th October 1973 11.90 3.70 0.90 4.60 38.7 21.46 148.0
25th July 1974 13.90 4.50 0.90 5.40 38.8 22.20 153.1
7th April 1975 15.90 4.70 1.50 6.20 39.0 21.66 149.4
20th November 1975 18.00 5.50 1.50 7.00 38.9 21.89 151.0
18th November 1976 20.90 6.60 1.50 8.10 38.8 22.03 151.9
4th April 1977 20.90 5.60 2.50 8.10 38.8 20.26 139.7
17th November 1977 23.80 6.50 2.50 9.00 37.8 21.66 149.4

Mrs. Gillian Shephard

The figures, updated to April 1989, are set out as follows. The table cannot be updated to April 1990 until the movement in the index of retail prices to that month is known.

(a) (b) M/C UB rate (c) Dep increase (d) Child Benefit/Family allowance (e) Total child1 support (f) Column (e) as a percentage ofcolumn (b) (g) Column (e) ex- pressed at April 1989 prices2 (h) Column (g) as index April 1989 = 100
Date £ £ £ £ £
4th April 1978 23.80 4.40 4.60 9.00 37.8 20.85 143.8
16th November 1978 25.50 3.70 6.00 9.70 38.0 21.60 149.0
2nd April 1979 25.50 1.70 8.00 9.70 38.0 20.42 140.8
15th November 1979 29.95 3.40 8.00 11.40 38.1 21.63 149.2
24th November 1980 33.40 2.50 9.50 12.00 35.9 19.74 136.1
23rd November 1981 36.40 1.60 10.50 12.10 33.2 17.78 122.6
25th November 1982 40.45 0.60 11.70 12.30 30.4 17.01 117.3
24th November 1983 43.75 0.30 13.00 13.30 30.4 17.54 121.0
26th November 1984 46.00 3 13.70 13.70 29.8 17.22 118.8
28th November 1985 49.25 14.00 14.00 28.4 16.68 115.0
28th July 1986 49.80 14.20 14.20 28.5 16.64 114.8
6th April 1987 50.85 14.50 14.50 28.5 16.28 112.3
11th April 1988 52.95 14.50 14.50 27.4 15.66 108.0
10th April 1989 56.10 14.50 14.50 25.8 14.50 100.0
1 Does not show the effect of child tax allowance to the standard rate taxpayer. In years prior to April 1979 some recipients of Unemployment Benefit would also have derived advantage from child tax allowance because of their receipt of earnings in the course of the tax year.
2 Based on the movement in the general Index of Retail Prices between the dates shown and April 1989.
3 Child dependency addition abolished from 26 November 1984.

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