HC Deb 18 May 1989 vol 153 cc249-53W
Sir Charles Morrison

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs how many applications were received for 1989 for allocations through the

Agency and country Project name Requested 1989–90 £ Requested 1990–91 £ Requested 1991–92 £ Requested 1992–93 £ Requested 1993–94 £
Marie Stopes International
Kenya Extension of Family Planning Education and Service Programme for National Youth Service 96,957 52,599 101,490
Lesotho Creating a Corps of Village-based Family Planning Educators and Motivator 41,269 33,205 35,652
Pakistan Lahore reproductive health extension services 22,844 24,270 25,540
Population Concern
Bangladesh Chittagong Family Planning 32,820 36,360
Ethiopia Development of Manual for Training Rural Women Development Agents 39,670
Pakistan Family Planning through Community Institutions 21,535 23,565 23,835
Pakistan Training for Womens Development 24,835 25,985 28,240
Totals 279,930 195,984 214,757
Marie Stopes International
Haiti Condom Social Marketing 36,355 44,110 39,935
Nigeria Combat Aids 252,080 352,835 208,454
Tanzania National Family Planning Radio Education/endorsement Programme 53,793 53,397 53,882
Totals 342,228 450,342 302,271
Under consideration
Marie Stopes International
Ethiopia Maternal and Reproductive Health Clinic 114,473 91,500 91.476
India Comprehensive Family Planning and Preventive Health Service for employees 69,806 73,382 73,382
India Contraceptive Social Marketing 57,843 63,627 64,206
India Marketing Educational Family Planning Materials 85,000 85,000 85,000
India Soap Drama 26,500
Sierra Leone Work based Maternal and Child Health and Family planning 45,171 33,668 30,544
Population Concern
Caribbean Family Planning Motivational video Series 40,158 50,098 44,374
Nepal Newalparasi Womens Development Project 36,880 52,635 42,555 34,300 29,590
Totals 475,831 449,910 431,537 34,300 29,590
Application withdrawn by Agency
Marie Stopes International
Africa Health Education Family Planning film 18,245

Sir Charles Morrison

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs which organisations received allocations from the joint funding scheme for population and family planning projects for each of the years 1987 and 1988; what amounts were allocated to each organisation; and for what purposes.

Agency and country Project name Spent in 1987–88 £ Spent in 1988–89 £ Under offer for 1989–90 £ Under offer for 1990–91 £ Under offer for 1991–92 £
Africa Now Marie Stopes International
Kenya Chogoria Family Planning Programme 10,300 9,213 8,358 11,182
Bangladesh Family Planning, preventative health care 23,550 23,793 52,868

joint funding scheme for population and family planning projects; what these applications were and from which organisations; how many and which were accepted; and what amounts were allocated to each organisation.

Mr. Chris Patten

This information is maintained by financial year rather than calendar year. Details of the population and family planning project applications which have been received under the joint funding scheme for the current financial year, 1989–90, and following years are:

Mr. Chris Patten

This information is maintained by financial year rather than calendar year. Details of the population and family planning projects which have been supported under the joint funding scheme in the financial years 1987–88 and 1988–89 are:

Agency and country Project name Spent in 1987–88 Spent in 1988–89 Under offer for 1989–90 Under offer for 1990–91 Under offer for 1991–92
India Brass Tacks Family Planning Programme 13,550 39,537 71,700
Kenya National Youth Service 11,000 22,369 41,950
Malawi Health Programme for poor women and families 47,910 42,550 32,257
Mexico Family Planning Leon 21,038 13,525
Peru Provision of Maternal Health and Family Planning Services 8,427
Sierra Leone Youth Fertility Education Programme 16,174
Sri Lanka Family Planning Educators and Motivators 37,244 45,049 45,049
Swaziland Male Oriented Family Planning 6,000 23,772 49,430
Zimbabwe Training Programme Zimbabwe Association of Womens Clubs 23,793 23,840 31,650—
Oxfam Population Concern
Pakistan Family Planning Project 2,825
Bangladesh Family Planning Health and Education 15,876 18,429
Caribbean Two workshops for Family Planning personnel Antigua 25,754 30,928
Caribbean Towards accreditation sex education in Caribbean schools 23,820 51,861 38,569
Caribbean Two workshops for teachers 41,592 44,665
Caribbean Three workshops Family Planning Fieldworkers 23,117 24,784 25,512
Ethiopia Training rural women development agents 17,051 55,027 42,240
Mauritius Construction of Mauritius Family Planning Association building 3,000
Nepal Three micro projects in Nepal 6,150
Nigeria Non Government Organisation Workshops on Population Policy 34,682
United Kingdom Foundation for the Peoples of the South Pacific
Fiji Family Planning 5,500 33,000
Totals 173,498 404,063 556,273 181,395 56,231

Sir Charles Morrison

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what contributions for 1989 are being made to the International Planned Parenthood Federation, the United Nations Fund for Population Activities and the World Health Organisation's special programme on human reproduction.

Mr. Chris Patten

We have made the following pledges for 1989:

International Planned Parenthood Federation: £6.75 million (including £0.5 million for AIDS prevention programme); United Nations Population Fund:

£5.5 million: World Health Organisation's special programme on human reproduction: £2.2 million.

Mr. Worthington

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list bilateral disbursements for population and family planning activities in each of the years 1987, 1988 and 1989, classified by project and country.

Mr. Chris Patten

The Overseas Development Administration funded the following population-related projects in 1987:

Bangladesh World Bank Third Population and Family Health Project (825,000)

Botswana Public Health and Primary Nurse Tutor (£20,000)

Fiji Population Census (£15,000)

The Gambia Provision of family planning materials (£2,000)

India Orissa Family Welfare Project Phase I (£566,000) Integrated Family Welfare Gujarat (£8,000) Assistance to the Registrar General's Office (£18,000)

Kiribati Population Census (£4,000)

Malawi Population Census (£62,000

Malaysia Adviser in Demography (£52,000)

Nepal ODA/UNFPA Project (Pilot Operational Research in Community Based Family Planning/Mother and Child Health Activities (£2,000)

Pakistan Population Welfare Projects I and II (141,000)

Tanzania Family Planning Study (02,000) Population Census (£6,000)

In addition, the provision of family planning services formed part of a large number of primary health care projects and programmes in which we were involved. The Overseas Development Administration also provided £78,000 under its research and development programme for population-related work.

Disbursement figures for 1988 and 1989 are not yet available. The following projects were under way or were approved in 1988 and 1989:

Bangladesh World Bank Third Population and Family Health Project

Botswana Public Health and Family Planning Tutor

Fiji Assistance to Population Census

India Orissa Family Welfare Project phases I and II Integrated Family Welfare Project Gujarat Population components in Slum Improvement Projects (Hyderabad, Indore and Vijayawada) Assistance to the Registrar General's Office

Kenya World Bank Third Population Project Population Census

Kiribati Population Census

Malawi Population Census

Malaysia Adviser in Demography (Economic Planning Unit)

Nepal Population Studies

Pakistan Population Welfare Projects I and II Reproduction Health Services Project

Tanzania Population Census

In 1987, 29 trainees came to the United Kingdom on population-related courses. In 1988 a further 37 trainees began similar courses.