HC Deb 11 May 1989 vol 152 c527W
34. Mr. John Greenway

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what measures he proposes to increase co-operation between police forces without altering the current structure.

Mr. John Evans

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what proposals he has to improve the organisation and structure of the police forces in the north-west region of England; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. John Patten

My right hon. Friend has recently made clear that we shall maintain the present structure of the police service, with responsibility shared under the 1964 Police Act between the chief constable, the police authority and the Home Secretary, while seeking to intensify co-operation within it.

There is provision in the 1964 Act for collaboration and aid between forces. Regional crime squads deal with serious criminal offences, including drugs, crossing force or regional boundaries. My right hon. Friend also has powers to provide common services. Examples include the national drugs intelligence unit, the Police staff college and district training centres, the crime prevention centre, and the police national computer.