Dr. ThomasTo ask the Secretary of State for Energy, pursuant to the statement made by the hon. Member for
European Community Thames House South Maximum admissable concentration Recorded Maximum Recorded minimum Sulphate 250mg/litre 482mg/litre 405mg/litre Fluoride 2500ug/litre 2,120ug/litre l,400ug/litre Potassium 12mg/litre 13.6mg/litre 12.6mg/litre Sodium 175mg/litre 204mg/litre 190mg/litre Magnesium 50mg/litre 51.3mg/litre 46mg/litre less than Iron 50ug/litre 3,120ug/litre 5ug/litre less than Manganese 50ug/litre 84ug/litre 20ug/litre Nickel 50ug/litre 94ug/litre 59ug/litre Conductivity l,500us/cm l,729us/cm 1,660us/cm Turbidity 4NTU 21 NTU 0.2 NTU Since the introduction of the point of use filters the levels of iron and colour have been consistently below 5ug/litre and 4NTUs respectively. The other elements have remained between the recorded maximum and minimum. I am also advised by PSA that the presence of these elements, either singly or in combination, is not considered to be a health hazard. As I explained in my earlier answer the water for my Department's headquarters building is supplied from a borehole and from the public mains supply.