HC Deb 22 March 1989 vol 149 cc655-6W
Mr. Jack

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what change there has been in the level of employment in Scotland since 1979.

Number of incidents
Year Wildlife Domestic animals Number of victims (baits only) Species involved Number of species Pesticides involved
1984 10 12 2 Eagles 2 Aldrin
Buzzards 4 Chloralose
Peregrine Falcon 1 Mevinphos
Tawny Owl 1 Strychnine
Corvids 10
Gulls 4
Pigeons 4
Song birds 8
Domestic animals 17
1985 20 8 4 Eagles 3 Chloralose
Buzzards 9 Mevinphos
Sparrow Hawk 1 Strychnine
Corvids 12
Gulls 18
Pigeon 1
Foxes 2
Domestic animals 13
1986 19 6 2 Eagle 1 Chloralose
Buzzards 10 Mevinphos
Sparrow Hawks 2 Strychnine
Kestrel 1
Herons 6
Corvids 4
Gull 1
Pigeons 2
Fox 1
Domestic animals 13
1987 23 8 7 Eagles 2 Chloralose
Buzzards 9 Fenthion
Corvids 40 Mevinphos
Gulls 3 Strychnine
Pigeons 2
Song birds 3
Domestic animals 9
1988 20 9 6 Eagles 4 Bendiocarb
Buzzards 7 Carbofuran
Tawny Owls 2 Chloralose
Corvids 27 Metaldehyde
Gulls 6 Mevinphos
Pigeons 4 Strychnine
Song birds 10
Fox 1
Hen Harrier 1
Domestic animals 11

Mr. Lang

Between June 1979 and June 1988 the civilian work force in employment in Scotland is provisionally estimated to have fallen by 77,000, but in the most recent five years there was an increase of 106,000. These estimates are subject to revision when the results of the 1987 census of employment become available.