HC Deb 22 March 1989 vol 149 c669W
Mrs. Dunwoody

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many children aged under 16 years are detained in Her Majesty's prisons; and when he expects to provide suitable secure accommodation.

Mr. Mellor

Provisional figures for 31 December 1988, the latest date for which information is available, show there were 24 untried males aged 15 remanded to prison department establishments.

The provision of appropriate alternative facilities including secure accommodation is the statutory responsibility of local authorities. The Department has powers to make grant aid available to meet the capital cost of providing secure accommodation, and is always prepared to consider any application which might be made by local authorities to increase the stock of such facilities.

Applications from a number of authorities are actively under consideration for the provision of new or extended secure facilities and approval has already been given to build two new secure units in Birmingham and Humberside, which will provide a further 16 secure places.