HC Deb 20 March 1989 vol 149 cc431-2W
Ms. Quin

To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster (1) when he intends to review the effectiveness of the code of practice for traders on price indications;

(2) what progress he has made in setting up a committee to monitor the effectiveness of the code of practice for traders on price indications.

Mr. Forth

The code of practice on price indications provides practical guidance for traders who need to comply with the obligation imposed by section 20 of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 not to give a misleading price indication.

The Government will be monitoring the operation of the legislation and the working of the code of practice and has suggested that a committee should be set up for this purpose. It is hoped that representatives of all interested parties will be prepared to take part in the work of the committee. A review of the working of the legislation and the associated code of practice will be undertaken when sufficient experience of its operation is available to enable an informed assessment to be made.

Ms. Quin

To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster what representations he has received on the effectiveness of the code of practice for traders on price indications(a) since they came into practice on 1 March and (b) before that date.

Mr. Forth

Extensive consultations were held both prior to and during the preparation of the code of practice and imports from (a) Latin America, (b) Japan, (c) Asia (excluding Japan), (d) South Africa, (e) Sub-Saharan Africa (excluding South Africa) and (f) the middle east; for each of the last five years in (i) constant prices and (ii) current prices.

Mr. Alan Clark

Information in constant prices is not available. Information at current prices is given in the table:

with representatives of the main interested parties and with the public. Since its coming into operation on 1 March there have been a number of representations and inquiries on specific aspects of the code.