HC Deb 16 June 1989 vol 154 cc571-83W
Ms. Short

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what are the monthly statistics since December 1988 for employment training for each standard GB region showing(a) entrants in each monthly period, and the number of cumulative entrants since the scheme started, (b) a breakdown of entrants which shows how many were male and female, the length of time they had been out of work, their ethnic backgrounds and whether or not they had any disabilities, (c) the number of trainees in each monthly period who entered work placements and the cumulative total of how many are in project places at the latest available date, (d) trainees who left the scheme in each monthly period, and the number of cumulative leavers since the scheme started, (e) for all those trainees who have left the scheme how many found work, failed to attend, went on to another course of training or education, completed the course, left for sickness or went back into umemployment and (f) the total number of currently filled places.

Table 1
Employment training entrants—December 1988 to May 1989
Region December January February March April May Cumulative since 5 September
South East 1,700 2,300 2,500 2,100 2,300 1,600 18,000
London 2,400 3,800 3,400 3,800 3,100 2,600 27,600
South West 1,700 2,100 2,500 2,300 2,000 1,700 17,100
West Midlands 3,300 4,300 5,000 4,800 4,100 3,200 34,800
East Midlands and Eastern 2,200 3,000 3,600 3,200 3,100 2,400 24,700
Yorkshire and Humberside 4,400 5,500 6,100 5,400 4,900 4,100 43,300
North West 4,100 5,500 7,100 6,500 5,800 4,800 47,300
Northern 2,900 3,600 4,800 4,700 3,800 3,300 32,100
Wales 2,200 2,900 3,600 3,200 2,900 2,300 23,100
Scotland 4,000 3,700 5,400 6,000 4,400 4,000 36,800

Table 2
Employment training characteristics of entrants (September-April) (all figures are percentages, figures may not total 100 because of rounding)
Region Men Women Unemployment duration (months) Ethnic Origin1 PWD2
0–6 6–12 13–23 24+ 1 2 3 4 5 Yes No
South East 64 36 25 28 12 34 91 2 2 2 2 15 85
London 58 42 14 32 16 37 51 25 11 7 6 10 90
South West 68 32 24 33 13 30 93 2 1 2 2 15 85
West Midlands 68 32 17 27 13 42 79 9 8 2 2 12 88
East Midlands and Eastern 72 28 12 34 14 39 88 4 5 1 2 14 86
Yorks and Humberside 74 26 20 31 14 35 90 2 4 1 2 10 90

Mr. Nicholls

The information is not available in the precise form requested. Information is only available for the eight Training Agency regions in England and for Scotland and Wales. The figures for entrants to employment training are given in table 1. Figures for entrants showing what proportion are men and women, duration of unemployment prior to joining the programme, ethnic background and whether disabled or having a health problem, are given in table 2. Information about trainees entering work placements is not available. The figures for those on project placements are given in table 3. Figures for the number of people who have joined employment training since September and have now left are currently only available for Great Britain as a whole and are estimated; the figures are given in table 4. Information on the breakdowns requested is not available. Information about the number of filled places is given in table 5.

Region Men Women Unemployment duration (months) Ethnic Origin1 PWD2
0–6 6–12 13–23 24 + 1 2 3 4 5 Yes No
North West 72 28 19 31 14 37 92 2 3 1 2 11 89
Northern 74 26 17 35 15 34 96 1 1 1 2 9 91
Wales 71 29 19 36 14 31 95 1 1 1 3 11 89
Scotland 73 27 12 32 17 39 96 ֵ ֵ 1 2 11 89
Great Britain total 70 30 18 32 14 36 88 5 4 2 2 12 88
1 Ethnic origin
1 — White
2 — Black/African/Caribbean
3 — Indian/Pakistan/Bangladeshi/Sri Lankan
4 — None of these
5 — I prefer not to say
2 PWD — People with disabilities. Those trainees answering whether they had a long-term health problem or disability which affected the type of work they could do.

ֵ = less than 0.5 per cent.

Table 3
Employment training in training on project placements—May 1989
Region Number
South East London 4,200 8,500
South West 5,200
West Midlands 13,000
East Midlands and Eastern 8,700
Yorkshire and Humberside 12,700
North West 12,900
Northern 11,600
Wales 6,500
Scotland 13,800

Table 4
Employment training leavers (estimated)
December 7,000
January 11,000
February 19,000
March 26,000
April 23,000
Cumulative since 5 September 99,000

Table 5
Employment training filled places at 26 May 1989
Region Number
South East 10,700
London 17,700
South West 11,500
West Midlands 22,400

Restart counselling: Numbers referred to menu options
1Greater London 2Merseyside 3Greater Manchester 4Glasgow 5Sheffield 6Birmingham and Solihull 7Coventry and Warwickshire
April—June 1988
(a) Job 5,506 2,828 3,296 1,487 904 1,512 850
(b) Restart course 2,188 801 1,385 669 219 776 113
(c) ET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(d) CP 1,322 1,189 1,477 789 554 493 47
(e) New JTS 6,242 2,642 4,548 2,112 1,707 2,141 144
(f) Jobclub 9.076 3,082 3,837 2,232 678 530 193
(g) EAS 5,049 1,259 1,263 310 225 700 52
(h) Voluntary work/VPP 499 374 266 189 169 152 21
(i) ERC 168 43 106 34 29 29 5
(j) DRO 2,466 761 1,093 664 270 428 237
(k) Claimant adviser 5,815 2,737 2,206 1,135 698 1,212 444
July—September 1988
(a) Job 7,705 2,754 3,329 1,276 1,216 1,212 594
(b) Restart course 2,052 1,073 1,405 568 351 667 321
(c) ET 5,188 1,715 2,527 1,313 1,189 1,152 758

Region Number
East Midlands and Eastern 15,300
Yorkshire and Humberside 24,900
North West 26,400
Northern 21,800
Wales 14,500
Scotland 22,300

Ms. Short

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment, for each of the Training Agency's areas within Greater London, Merseyside, Greater Manchester, Glasgow, Sheffield, Birmingham and Solihull, Coventry and Warwickshire, and for each of the latest four three monthly periods available, how many unemployed people have been referred to the following outcomes as a result of their restart interviews and, for each of the outcomes, how many people started or attended them(a) referred to a job, (b) allocated to restart courses, (c) referred to ET, (d) referred to community programme, (e) referred to new job training scheme, (f) referred to jobclubs, (g) referred to EAS, (ft) referred to voluntary work/VPP, (i) referred to ERC, (j) referred to a DRO, and (k) referred to a claimant adviser.

Mr. Lee

The information is not available in the form requested. However, the attached table gives the information for the relevant Employment Service areas.

We do not know how many of those interviewed ultimately end up in a job or other opportunity as a result of the Restart interview.

1Greater London 2Merseyside 3Greater Manchester 4Glasgow 5Sheffield 6Birmingham and Solihull 7Coventry and Warwickshire
(d) CP 639 879 846 204 302 216 387
(e) New JTS 5,570 2,240 4,310 1,341 1,562 2,023 1,690
(0 Jobclub 8,848 2,722 3,592 1,621 883 1,900 1,286
(g) EAS 5,440 1,305 1,499 260 239 828 414
(h) Voluntary work/VPP 545 302 161 96 109 92 218
(i) ERC 124 34 80 16 45 20 46
G) DRO 2,677 880 1,077 669 366 461 164
(k) Claimant adviser 6,085 3,180 2,478 1,049 878 1,273 439
October—December 1988
(a) Job 6,156 2,466 2,587 1,215 810 2,634 505
(b) Restart course 1,663 651 1,302 664 415 747 198
(c) ET 16,467 6,586 6,928 5,454 1,354 4,929 2,306
(d) CP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(e) New JTS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(f) Jobclub 7,943 2,074 3,543 1,949 717 1,210 700
(g) EAS 5,085 1,309 1,582 313 223 1,036 238
(h) Voluntary work/VPP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(i) ERC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
G) DRO 2,364 720 1,114 741 306 511 118
(k) Claimant adviser 5,490 2,795 2,462 1,380 689 1,322 527
January—March 1989
(a) Job 7,766 2,421 2,971 727 717 4,727 756
(b) Restart course 1,976 562 1,135 686 381 613 253
(c) ET 16,648 6,936 6,907 6,409 4,662 5,533 1,951
(d) CP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(e) New JTS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(f) Jobclub 8,617 2,616 3,723 2,504 726 1,574 727
(g) EAS 5,570 1,330 1,628 365 177 1,289 244
(h) Voluntary work/VPP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(i) ERC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(j) DRO 2,518 723 1,033 690 220 598 137
(k) Claimant adviser 6,629 2,848 2,554 1,510 716 1,486 443
1 Areas: London SE; Inner London S; Inner London E; Inner London Central; Inner London W; London N; London NW; London E; London S; London SW; London W.
2 Areas: Liverpool and Wirral; Merseyside N; Merseyside S.
3 Areas: Manchester City; Manchester NE; Manchester NW; Manchester S; Manchester W.
4 Areas: Glasgow N; Glasgow S.
5 Area: Sheffield.
6 Area: Birmingham (includes Solihull).
7 Area: Coventry /Warwickshire.

Ms. Short

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment, for each of the Training Agency's areas within Greater London, Merseyside, Greater Manchester, Glasgow, Sheffield, Birmingham and Solihull, Coventry and Warwickshire, what are the monthly statistics for the latest available three months for employment training showing(a) entrants in each monthly period, and the number of cumulative entrants since the scheme started, (b) a breakdown of entrants which shows how many were male and female, the length of time they had been out of work, their ethnic backgrounds and whether or not they had any disabilities, (c) the total number of currently filled places, (d) the number of trainees in each monthly period who entered employer based work placements and the cumulative total of how many are in employer placements at the latest available date, (e) the number of trainees in each monthly period who entered project based work placements and the cumulative total of how many are in project based placements at the latest available date, (f) trainees who left the scheme in each monthly period, and the number of cumulative leavers since the scheme started, (g) for those trainees who have left the scheme how many found work, failed to attend, went on to another course of training or education, completed the course, left for sickness, or went back into unemployment, (h) for those trainees who have left the scheme how many have obtained a vocational qualification and (i) for those trainees who have left the scheme how many have received a training bonus, giving the average training bonus received.

Mr. Nicholls

The figures for entrants to employment training for each of the last three months are given in table 1. Figures for entrants showing what proportion are men and women, duration of unemployment prior to joining the programme, ethnic background and whether disabled or having a health problem are given in table 2. The number of currently filled places is provided in table 3. Information about trainees entering employer and project placements is not available. The figures for those currently in training on project and employer placements are given in table 4. The numbers of trainees who left the scheme are not available on an area basis. Information on the breakdowns requested and for the number obtaining vocational qualifications is not available. Information on the number of trainees who have left the scheme who have received a training bonus and the average bonus paid is not available.

Table 1
Employment training entrants March—May 1989
Area March April May Cumulative since September
London North 850 570 580 5,750
London West 280 180 190 2,130
London East 490 380 340 3,590
London South 300 360 220 2,380
Inner London North 1,120 930 770 8,780
Inner London South 760 680 460 4,990
Merseyside 2,030 1,860 1,640 13,810
Manchester East 800 660 550 5,160
Manchester Central 870 920 770 7,220
Manchester North 720 620 520 5,250
Glasgow 1,310 970 800 7,410
Sheffield 1,340 1,140 820 9,390
Birmingham and Solihull 1,580 1,440 960 11,080
Coventry and Warwickshire 570 560 410 3,910

Table 2
Employment training characteristics of entrants (September-April) (all figures are percentages, figures may not total 100 because of rounding)
Area Men Women Unemployment duration (months) Ethnic origin1 PWD
0–6 6–12 13–23 24 + 1 2 3 4 5 Yes No
London North 54 46 19 31 16 35 45 26 14 7 8 10 90
London West 58 42 24 25 16 35 62 11 18 5 4 10 90
London East 63 37 10 36 16 38 61 16 17 2 3 11 89
London South 57 43 20 29 15 37 67 16 8 4 5 12 88
In London North 58 42 15 30 18 37 50 26 9 7 9 9 91
In London South 60 40 12 32 19 37 44 35 5 10 6 7 93
Merseyside 69 31 23 27 13 37 95 2 3 1 2 8 92
Manchester East 68 32 23 31 13 33 94 1 3 1 1 11 89
Manchester Central 70 30 22 31 14 34 83 7 5 2 3 10 90
Manchester North 66 34 25 30 14 31 91 1 5 1 2 9 91
Glasgow 74 26 19 27 14 40 94 2 1 1 2 7 93
Sheffield 76 24 13 33 14 41 90 3 2 3 2 8 92
Birmingham and Solihull 63 37 19 26 12 43 65 17 12 3 3 8 92
Coventry and Warwickshire 65 35 20 25 13 42 82 5 8 3 2 13 87
1 Ethnic origin: 1—White; 2—Black/African/Caribbean; 3—Indian/Pakistan/Bangladeshi/Sri Lankan; 4—None of these; 5—I prefer not to say.
2 PWD—People with disabilities. Those trainees answering whether they had a long-term health problem or disability which affected the type of work they could do. Figures to end February.
3 Less than 0.5 per cent.

Table 3
Employment training filled places at 26 May 1989
Area Number
London North 3,555
London West 1,176
London East 2,198
London South 1,609
Inner London North 5,794
Inner London South 3,345
Merseyside 8,701
Manchester East 2,626
Manchester Central 4,189
Manchester North 2,622
Glasgow 4,505
Sheffield 5,489
Birmingham and Solihull 7,346

Area Number
Coventry and Warwickshire 2,662

Table 4
Employment training in training on project and employer placements May 1989
Area Project placements Employer placements
London North 1,460 1,000
London West 220 290
London East 750 510
London South 870 240
Inner London North 3,190 700
Inner London South 2,340 130
Merseyside 4,790 1,390

Area Project placements Employer placements
Manchester East 550 1,420
Manchester Central 1,970 1,220
Manchester North 870 970
Glasgow 3,290 630
Sheffield 2,960 1,100
Birmingham and Solihull 4,920 1,100
Coventry and Warwickshire 1,380 510

Ms. Short

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment, for Great Britain and each standard training agency region, and for each of the latest four three-monthly periods available, how many unemployed

Restart counselling: Numbers referred to menu options
Northern Yorkshire and Humberside East Midlands and Eastern London and South East South West Wales West Midlands North West Scotland Great Britain
April to June 1988
(a) Job 3,687 4,362 4,996 11,659 2,338 4,879 6,970 9,266 9,843 58,000
(b) Restart course 2,413 883 1,487 3,683 1,088 1,811 1,964 3,378 3,540 20,247
(c) ET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(d) CP 2,364 2,131 1,725 2,607 909 1,663 2,551 3,663 4,074 31,687
(e) New JTS 6,036 8,267 6,353 12,169 2,861 4,115 7,006 10,642 8,542 65,991
(f) Jobclub 4,199 3,788 4,339 14,133 2,347 3,826 5,647 9,938 9,368 57,585
(g) EAS 795 1,464 1,589 7,456 1,607 1,246 2,331 3,412 1,895 21,795
(h) Voluntary work/VPP 336 615 1,010 1,449 446 644 741 1,113 663 7,017
(i) ERC 124 84 195 246 30 109 119 191 152 1,250
(j) DRO 1,235 1,348 1,144 4,396 939 1,002 1,872 2,864 2,461 17,261
(k) Claimant adviser 2,892 3,346 3,223 10,634 2,139 2,459 4,812 7,204 4,395 41,104
July to September 1988
(a) Job 4,080 5,121 5,257 14,387 2,135 5,311 7,432 9,321 8,186 61,230
(b) Restart course 2,141 1,274 1,717 3,271 1,081 1,814 2,032 3,547 3,305 20,182
(c) ET 4,144 5,104 4,029 9,632 1,694 2,842 5,212 6,307 6,313 45,277
(d) CP 1,755 1,230 954 1,369 346 1,139 1,333 2,117 1,709 11,952
(e) New JTS 4,662 7,230 5,288 10,033 1,961 3,754 6,996 8,976 6,160 55,060
(f) Jobclub 3,746 4,114 4,006 13,425 2,048 3,675 5,023 8,928 7,593 52,558
(g) EAS 996 1,798 1,582 7,987 1,193 1,420 2,775 3,912 1,686 23,349
(h) Voluntary work/VPP 194 341 563 1,124 219 456 412 700 365 4,374
(i) ERC 148 97 131 190 15 80 87 133 105 986
(j) DRO 1,399 1,761 1,278 4,655 968 1,120 2,261 3,039 2,397 18,878
(k) Claimant adviser 3,261 3,914 4,038 11,198 2,243 2,855 5,903 7,664 4,931 46,007
October to December 1988
(a) Job 2,834 4,179 5,064 13,228 1,758 3,375 8,400 8,184 6,493 53,515
(b) Restart course 1,405 1,532 1,472 2,765 1,310 1,647 1,890 2,955 2,887 17,863
(c) ET 11,034 14,518 10,402 26,940 5,564 9,188 15,748 18,415 19,798 131,607
(d) CP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(e) New JTS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(f) Jobclub 3,193 4,230 3,961 26,304 2,211 3,451 4,913 8,169 7,776 50,075
(g) EAS 875 1,749 1,506 7,475 1,393 1,305 2,910 3,822 1,717 22,752
(h) Voluntary work/VPP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(i) ERC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(j) DRO 1,199 1,605 1,174 4,332 1,007 1,079 2,129 2,895 2,472 17,892
(k) Claimant adviser 2,241 3,368 3,529 9,757 2,251 2,504 5,613 7,234 5,505 42,002
January to March 1989
(a) Job 3,256 4,193 5,657 15,763 2,016 3,960 11,471 8,391 7,808 62,515
(b) Restart course 1,475 1,867 1,288 2,983 1,240 1,557 1,738 2,524 3,173 17,845
(c) ET 11,173 13,032 9,716 25,445 5,255 9,104 15,595 18,117 21,010 128,627
(d) CP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(e) New JTS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(f) Jobclub 4,093 4,292 3,948 12,719 2,353 3,711 5,325 8,680 9,769 54,890
(g) EAS 899 1,613 1,594 7,909 1,272 1,446 3,090 3,828 1,969 23,620
(h) Voluntary work/VPP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(i) ERC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(j) DRO 1,132 1,499 1,034 4,325 925 1,065 2,062 2,727 2,428 17,197
(k) Claimant adviser 2,411 3,171 3,403 11,171 2,104 2,621 5,150 7,004 5,593 42,628

Ms. Short

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment, for Great Britain and each standard training

people have been referred to the following outcomes as a result of their restart interviews and, for each of the outcomes, how many people started or attended them: (a) referred to a job, (b) allocated to restart courses, (c) referred to ET, (d) referred to community programme, (e) referred to new job training scheme, (f) referred to jobclubs, (g) referred to an EAS, (h) referred to voluntary work/VPP, (i) referred to ERC, (j) referred to a DRO, and (k) referred to a claimant adviser.

Mr. Lee

The information as requested is not available. However, information for Great Britain and the relevant employment service regions is given on the attached table.

We do not know how many of those interviewed ultimately end up in a job or other opportunity as a result of the Restart interview.

agency region, what are the monthly statistics for the latest available three months for employment training showing (a) entrants in each monthly period, and the number of cumulative entrants since the scheme started, (b) a breakdown of entrants which shows how many were male and female, the length of time they had been out of work, their ethnic backgrounds and whether or not they had any disabilities, (c) the total number of currently filled places, (d) the number of trainees in each monthly period who entered employer based work placements and the cumulative total of how many are in employer placements at the latest available date, (e) the number of trainees in each monthly period who entered project based work placements and the cumulative total of how many are in project based placements at the latest available date, (f) trainees who left the scheme in each monthly period, and the number of cumulative leavers since the scheme started, (g) for those trainees who have left the scheme how many found work, failed to attend, went on to another course oftraining or education, completed the course, left for sickness, or went back into unemployment, (h) for those trainees who have left the scheme how many have obtained

Table 1
Employment training entrants1
Region March April May Cumulative (since 5 September)
South East 2,100 2,300 1,600 18,000
London 3,800 3,100 2,600 27,600
South West 2,300 2,000 1,700 17,100
West Midlands 4,900 4,100 3,200 34,800
East Midlands and Eastern 3,200 3,100 2,400 24,700
Yorkshire and Humberside 5,400 4,900 4,100 43,300
North West 6,500 5,800 4,800 47,300
Northern 4,700 3,800 3,300 32,100
Wales 3,200 2,900 2,300 23,100
Scotland 6,000 4,400 4,000 36,800
Great Britain total 42,100 36,300 30,000 304,800
1 Combined regional figures may not equal Great Britain totals because of rounding.

Table 2
Employment training characteristics of entrants (September-April) (all figures are percentages, figures may not total 100 because of rounding)
Region Men Women Unemployment duration (months) Ethnic Origin1 PWD2
0–6 6–12 13–23 24+ 1 2 3 4 5 Yes No
South East 64 36 25 28 12 34 91 2 2 2 2 15 85
London 58 42 14 32 16 37 51 25 11 7 6 10 90
South West 68 32 24 33 13 30 93 2 1 2 2 15 85
West Midlands 68 32 17 27 13 42 79 9 8 2 2 12 88
East Midlands and Eastern 72 28 12 34 14 39 88 4 5 1 2 14 86
Yorks and Humberside 74 26 20 31 14 35 90 2 4 1 2 10 90
North West 72 28 19 31 14 37 92 2 3 1 2 11 89
Northern 74 26 17 35 15 34 96 1 1 1 2 9 91
Wales 71 29 19 36 14 31 95 1 1 1 3 11 89
Scotland 73 27 12 32 17 39 96 ֵ ֵ 1 2 11 89
Great Britain total 70 30 18 32 14 36 88 5 4 2 2 12 88
1 Ethnic origin
1 — White
2 — Black/African/Caribbean
3 — Indian/Pakistan/Bangladeshi/Sri Lankan
4 — None of these
5 — I prefer not to say
2 PWD — People with disabilities. Those trainees answering whether they had a long-term health problem or disability which affected the type of work they could do.

ֵ = less than 0–5 per cent.

a vocational qualification and (i) for those trainees who have left the scheme how many have received a training bonus, giving the average training bonus received.

Mr. Nicholls

The figures for entrants to employment training for each of the last three months are given in table 1. Figures for entrants showing what proportion are men and women, duration of unemployment prior to joining the programme, ethnic background and whether disabled or having a health problem are given in table 2. The number of currently filled places is provided in table 3. Information about trainees entering employer and project placements is not available. The figures for those currently in training on project and employer placements are given in table 4. The numbers of trainees who left the scheme are not available on an area basis. Information on the breakdowns requested and for the number obtaining vocational qualifications is not available. Information on the number of trainees who have left the scheme who have received a training bonus and the average bonus paid is not available.

Table 3
Employment training filled places at 26 May 1989
Region Number
South East 10,700
London 17,700
South West 11,500
West Midlands 22,400
East Midlands and Eastern 15,300
Yorks and Humberside 24,900
North West 26,400
Northern 21,800
Wales 14,500
Scotland 22,300
Great Britain total 187,000

Employment training in training on project and work placements May 1989
Region Project placements Work placements
South East 4,200 3,300
London 8,500 3,200
South West 5,200 3,000
West Midlands 13,000 4,500
East Midlands and Eastern 8,700 4,100
Yorks and Humberside 12,700 6,200
North West 12,900 7,400
Northern 11,600 5,200
Wales 6,500 3,900
Scotland 13,800 4,700
Great Britain 97,000 45,000

Employment training leavers (estimated)
February 19,000
March 26,000
April 23,000
Cumulative1 99,000
1 Cumulative leavers since September 1988.