- Immigrants 126 words c502W
- Racial Harassment 104 words cc502-3W
- Neighbourhood Watch 70 words c503W
- Prevention of Terrorism Act 98 words c503W
- Jersey (Housing) 33 words c503W
- Burglary (Humberside) 158 words cc503-4W
- Prohibited Drugs 114 words c504W
- Electoral Registration 84 words c504W
- Community Trusts 65 words c504W
- Vagrancy 59 words c504W
- Time Zones (Harmonisation) 61 words cc504-5W
- Mentally Disordered Prisoners 102 words c505W
- Football Matches (Policing) 73 words c505W
- China 64 words c505W
- Street Robbery 86 words c505W
- Processions 54 words cc505-6W
- Broadcasting Reform 92 words c506W
- French Interior Minister 121 words c506W
- Firearms Committee 57 words c506W
- Special Constables (Harbours) 135 words c506W
- Broadcasting (Ownership) 83 words cc506-7W
- Juvenile Crime (Parental Responsibility) 138 words c507W
- Prisons (Crown Immunity) 53 words c507W
- Police Cells 57 words c507W
- Bus Lanes 70 words c507W
- European Police (Co-operation) 64 words cc507-8W
- Durham Prison (Transfers) 61 words c508W
- Car Crime 114 words c508W
- Illegal Drugs 89 words c508W
- Prison Building 49 words cc508-9W
- Drug Abuse 158 words c509W
- European Ministers of Justice 131 words c509W
- Sunday Trading 60 words c509W
- Fire Service (Wage Negotiations) 181 words cc509-10W
- Crime Prevention 137 words c510W
- Broadcasting Authorities 60 words c510W
- Burglary (Suffolk) 103 words c510W
- Litter 50 words cc510-1W
- Metropolitan Police (Supervisions) 77 words c511W
- Drinking and Disorder 104 words c511W
- Mentally Ill Prisoners 122 words c511W
- Private Security Industry 61 words c511W
- Cruel Tethering 75 words cc511-2W
- Greater Manchester Police 71 words c512W
- Surplus Prison Property 71 words c512W
- Hillsborough Inquiry 76 words cc512-3W
- Civil Disasters 658 words cc513-4W
- Bail 119 words cc514-5W
- Fire Authorities (Grants) 504 words c515W
- Civil Defence College, Easingwold 133 words c515W
- District Authorities (Civil Defence Grants) 87 words c515W
- Regional Fire Advisers 58 words