HC Deb 09 June 1989 vol 154 cc251-2W
Mr. Robert G. Hughes

To ask the Secretary of State for Health what plans he has for a new contract for general practitioners if the medical profession do not accept the agreement reached between him and their negotiators on 4 May.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke

The agreement was a package deal, and it involved a good deal of compromise by both parties. It is for the profession to decide whether or not to endorse the agreement reached by their negotiators. But if they do not, 1 would feel bound to ensure that the Government's objectives were still achieved. I would therefore have to re-examine the various elements of the agreement before laying regulations before Parliament and determining the contents of the statement of fees and allowances. Between them these documents will secure better services for patients, relate pay to performance

Amounts and percentages of budget loans and community care grants by client groups
(00) (01) (02) (03) (04) (05) (06) (07) (08) (09) (10) (11) (12) (13 (14) (15)1 Total awarded
Community care grants
Percentage 0.1 6.23 0.61 10.51 0.00 5.26 5.66 32.59 0.66 0.29 5.56 16.21 6.45 7.95 0.00 0.95
Amount (£) 108 6,438 631 10,856 0.00 5,433 5,850 33,663 682 299 5,741 16,746 6,659 8,215 0.00 982 £102,303
Budgeting loans
Percentage 0.24 0.48 0.1 1.68 0.28 6.13 1.66 56.65 0.05 1.11 10.6 16.04 2.88 2.09 0.00 n/a
Amount (£) 494 974 206 3,444 578 12,536 3,398 115,863 103 2,279 21,686 32,798 5,893 4,280 0.00 n/a £204,532
Community care grants
Percentage 0.56 8.96 5.77 9.27 1.78 4.07 7.64 30.47 0.00 0.17 5.77 16.48 1.18 6.76 0.00 1.10
Amount (£) 569 9,067 5,837 9,384 1,805 4,121 7,734 30,835 0.00 170 5,835 16.675 1,193 6,837 0.00 1,115 £101,177
Budgeting loans
Percentage 0.74 0.52 0.89 3.04 0.26 3.18 2.44 53.5 0.23 1.0 19.04 11.47 1.81 1.89 0.00 n/a
Amount (£) 1,643 1,163 2,004 6,832 591 7,133 5,484 120,186 516 2,254 42,769 25,759 4,068 4,243 0.00 n/a £224,645
Community care grants
Percentage 0.27 5.7 2.57 20.92 0.81 5.38 8.97 23.4 1.42 0.83 7.5 10.35 2.46 8.5 0.00 0.94
Amount (£) 500 10,602 4,775 38,919 1,500 10,005 16,686 43,543 2,647 1,540 13,961 19,250 4,569 15,824 0.00 1,751 £186,072

(ensuring that capitation-based payments account for 60 per cent. of the total) and achieve a more cost-effective contract.