HL Deb 05 June 1989 vol 508 c713WA
Lord Northfield

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What progress they are making in persuading the Commission of the European Communities to make further amendments to the sixth revision of the proposal for a directive on game meat, particularly to the provisions concerning slaughter of farmed deer, and whether, in view of the resistance of the Commission to amendments regarded as essential to the United Kingdom, they will contact the commissioner concerned to urge him to arrange a meeting in London with experts on deer.

Baroness Trumpington

The Commission has yet to make a formal proposal to the Council for Community rules on game meat. The document referred to is a draft for such a proposal which is being prepared by Commission officials. The sixth revision has not yet been discussed with officials from member states in the Commission's working party.

The Government have accepted the recommendation of the Farm Animal Welfare Council that, subject to safeguards, the welfare of farmed deer can be satisfactorily protected during transit and slaughter in abattoirs. It is important, however that farmers should remain free to decide how their deer should be handled and to have the choice of shooting them in the field or taking them to an abattoir. In negotiations, the Government will seek to ensure that any measure adopted by the Council makes adequate provision for this.

While considering views put to it by governments, the Commission makes its own arrangements for consultation with experts and interested parties. Representatives of those with an interest in the production of venison and other game meat have made their views known to the Commission. I would urge all who are concerned about this matter to contact the Commission direct.