HC Deb 27 July 1989 vol 157 cc864-9W
Ms. Short

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment if he will place a copy of the Atkinson/Revington study of regional office organisation in the Training Agency in the Library; and what monitoring Training Agency regional offices will carry out with regard to training and enterprise councils.

Mr. Eggar

The document is an internal organisational review and is not appropriate for deposit in the Library. Training Agency regional officers will monitor a TEC's performance to check contract compliance and to ensure that each TEC is performing in line with the targets and objectives set out in the agreed business plan.

Ms. Short

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment how many YTS places were agreed by each payment type; how many young people were in training by each training type; and what was the proportion of those in training relative to the number of agreed places by standard Training Agency region, for Great Britain as a whole, and for each of the last three months.

Mr. Eggar

Since the introduction of the new funding structure for YTS in April of this year, the number of agreed places is no longer available by payment type. The tables give the other figures requested.

Table 1
In-training as a proportion of agreed places
Region April May June
South East 68.5 68.0 68.1
London 69.6 70.2 70.5
South West 71.7 71.7 72.3
West Midlands 64.1 63.4 68.0
East Midlands and Eastern Region 74.1 72.7 75.3
Yorkshire and Humberside 74.1 72.6 77.2
North West 76.1 76.6 79.5
Northern 77.9 76.6 80.3
Wales 84.6 83.8 86.1
Scotland 78.8 77.5 82.2
Great Britain 73.4 72.8 75.7

Table 2
Number in-training by payment type by region as at the last three months
Basic Premium ITEC Additional Units
April May June April May June April May June April May June
Scotland 38,514 37,584 39,620 8,434 8,226 8,304 1,196 1,160 1,310 323 375 368
Northern 20,768 20,014 20,982 8,101 7,880 8,087 854 832 851 297 455 660
North West 45,255 44,591 46,455 11,663 11,402 11,439 1,779 1,844 1,968 471 569 682
Yorkshire and Humberside 36,528 35,449 37,355 7,153 6,709 7,105 908 865 906 497 667 839
Midlands 36,036 35,159 36,785 6,097 5,899 6,015 970 888 994 136 258 412
Wales 17,925 17,638 18,110 5,166 4,972 5,123 656 736 738 157 223 315
South West 26,417 25,765 25,587 2,874 2,729 2,848 590 569 592 82 119 180
South East 35,169 34,362 34,473 3,172 3,052 3,061 1,078 1,042 1,018 240 351 362
London 16,882 16,642 16,693 3,065 3,109 3,128 651 649 655 203 257 319
East Midlands and East 39,958 38,849 39,985 4,986 4,781 4,980 893 873 874 168 *275 339
Total 313,452 306,053 316,045 60,711 58,759 60,090 9,575 9,458 9,906 2,575 3,549 4,476

Ms. Short

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what were the numbers of accidents on YTS, broken down by fatal, major and minor, for the latest available three-month period; and how many YTS placements were closed or not accepted in that period and in the three preceding months.

Mr. Eggar

Table A provides YTS accident figures for the period 1 April 1989 to 30 June 1989.

Table A
Fatalities 2
Major injuries2 126
Minor injuries 599

Table B provides the closure and non-acceptance figures for the quarters 1 January 1989 to 31 March and 1 April to 30 June 1989. These figures are provisional.

Table B
1 January 1989 to 31 March 1989 1 April 1989 to 30 June 1989
Placements closed 39 3
Placements not accepted 19 3
1 Training Agency figures have been compiled on a similar basis to those prepared by Health and Safety Executive on employed persons. However, the Training Agency's figures will include a number of accidents to trainees in educational establishments and road traffic accidents which may not have been reportable to the Health and Safety Executive had the individuals been

Table to show the number in training by age at 30 June 1989 by region
Region 16 17 18 19
South East 5,835 18,566 13,460 1,051
London 2,892 9,189 7,523 1,191
South West 4,697 14,017 9,824 668
West Midlands 8,838 20,409 14,236 718
East Midlands and Eastern 8,575 21,388 14,918 1,297
Yorkshire and Humberside 9,543 21,111 4,657 892
North West 11,829 27,952 19,159 1,603
Northern 5,875 14,502 9,781 422
Wales 4,672 11,217 7,903 494
Scotland 5,116 21,873 11,979 628

NoteThe ages given are made up of banded age groups as follows:

16—under 17 years old

17—over 17 and under 18

18—over 18 and under 19

19–19 and over.

Ms. Short

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment, if he will publish up-to-date figures for Great Britain and each Training Agency region the characteristics of all entrants to employment training,


2 Major injuries are classified according to the severity criteria laid down in the Reporting of Injuries, Disease and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985.

Mr. Trotter

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment if he will give the average length of stay of trainees on YTS for the most recent convenient period by Training Agency region.

Mr. Nicholls

The average length of stay of YTS trainees is not available by region; however the national figure is around 69 weeks for trainees with two-year entitlement and 36 weeks for trainees with one-year entitlement.

Mr. Trotter

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment if he will give the average length of stay of 16, 17, 18 and 19-year-olds, respectively, on YTS by Training Agency region for the most recent convenient period.

Mr. Nicholls

Average length of stay is calculated using a complex model; the information requested can be supplied only at disproportionate cost.

Mr. Trotter

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment if he will give the numbers of 16, 17, 18 and 19-year-olds, respectively, on YTS by Training Agency region for the most recent convenient date.

Mr. Nicholls

The table gives the information requested as at 30 June 1989.

showing how many were (a) men and (b) women, time they had been out of work, their ethnic backgrounds, and whether they had any disabilities.

Mr. Nicholls

The latest available figures for entrants to employment training, cumulative to 14 July are given in table 1. Figures for entrants showing what proportion are men and women, duration of unemployment prior to joining the programme, their ethnic background and whether disabled or having a health problem are given in table 2. The proportions are cumulative to the end of April (to the end of March for people with disabilities), and are the latest available.

Table 1
Employment Training Entrants1
Region Cumulative 5 September-14 July
South East 22,700
London 32,100
South West 19,700

Table 2
Employment training characteristics of entrants (September-April) (all figures are percentages, figures may not total 100 because of rounding)
Region Men Women Unemployment duration (months) Ethnic origin1 PWD2
0–6 6–12 13–23 24+ 1 2 3 4 5 Yes No
South East 64 36 25 28 12 34 91 2 2 2 2 15 85
London 58 42 14 32 16 37 51 25 11 7 6 10 90
South West 68 32 24 33 13 30 93 2 1 2 2 15 85
West Midlands 68 32 17 27 13 42 79 9 8 2 2 12 88
East Midlands and Eastern 72 28 12 34 14 39 88 4 5 1 2 14 86
Yorkshire and Humberside 74 26 20 31 14 35 90 2 4 1 2 10 90
North West 72 28 19 31 14 37 92 2 3 1 2 11 89
Northern 74 26 17 35 15 34 96 1 1 1 2 9 91
Wales 71 29 19 36 14 31 95 1 1 1 3 11 89
Scotland 73 27 12 32 17 39 96 ¨ ¨ 1 2 11 89
Great Britain total 70 30 18 32 14 36 88 5 4 2 2 12 88
1 Ethnic origin
3—Indian/Pakistan/Bangladeshi/Sri Lankan
4—None of those
5—Prefer not to say.
2PWD—People with disabilities. Those trainees answering whether they had a long-term health problem or disability which affected the type of work they could do.
¨=less than 0.5 per cent.

Ms. Short

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment if he will publish up-to-date figures for Great Britain and each Training Agency region for each month since September 1988, of the cumulative number of(a) referrals to employment training from the employment service to training agents, (b) agreed employment training action plans at training agents and (c) starts at employment training managers.

Table 1
Cumulative employment service referrals to employment training: September 1988 to June 1989
Employment service region September October November December January February March April May June
London and South East 20,700 38,600 55,500 69,600 87,800 106,000 124,700 141,000 157,100 176,100
South West 5,100 9,500 13,400 16,900 21,800 26,700 31,800 36,100 39,900 43,300
West Midlands 10,300 19,000 28,100 36,300 46,800 57,200 67,900 76,500 84,400 94,100
East Midlands and Eastern 7,500 14,200 20,500 25,100 31,800 38,400 45,000 51,600 57,000 63,900
Yorkshire and Humberside 10,100 19,200 28,100 35,700 45,800 54,700 64,700 74,100 81,900 91,100
North West 12,700 24,100 35,300 44,400 58,100 71,000 85,700 98,500 109,500 123,900
Northern 12,500 20,100 26,600 32,200 40,500 48,300 56,000 63,100 69,500 77,400
Wales 5,200 10,600 16,300 21,400 27,500 33,800 40,100 45,900 50,900 56,300
Scotland 12,300 23,900 36,100 46,500 59,600 73,600 89,400 100,500 111,800 127,000
Great Britain 96,500 179,400 259,800 328,100 419,700 509,600 605,300 687,700 761,900 853,100

Region Cumulative 5 September-14 July
West Midlands 40,400
East Midlands and Eastern 29,100
Yorkshire and Humber 49,600
North West 56,500
Northern 38,400
Wales 27,200
Scotland 43,300
Great Britain total 359,200
1 Combined regional figures may not equal Great Britain totals because of rounding.

Mr. Nicholls

The information requested is given in the following tables. Employment service referrals are provided in table 1, by employment service region as the information is not available by Training Agency region. Action plans and starts are provided by Training Agency region in tables 2 and 3.

Table 2
Cumulative employment training action plans at training agents: September 1988 to June 1989
Training agency region September October November December January February March April May June
South East 1,200 4,900 9,100 13,400 17,200 20,900 25,100 28,700 31,700 34,900
London 3,400 8,000 13,200 17,900 23,400 29,400 35,800 40,300 44,500 49,300
South West 1,700 3,800 6,400 8,200 10,700 12,800 15,500 17,800 19,900 22,200
West Midlands 2,700 7,800 13,500 18,000 23,400 29,300 36,100 41,000 44,900 49,500
East Midlands and Eastern 3,100 6,700 10,300 13,000 16,700 20,400 24,400 28,000 31,000 34,400
Yorkshire and Humberside 4,200 9,300 15,000 19,400 25,200 31,200 36,800 41,900 47,000 51,800
North West 4,100 9,900 16,400 21,500 28,100 35,600 42,800 49,200 54,500 60,900
Northern 4,400 8,700 13,200 16,800 21,900 27,700 33,000 37,600 42,000 46,800
Wales 1,900 4,400 7,500 9,900 13,100 16,800 20,200 23,000 25,800 28,500
Scotland 4,100 9,100 15,700 21,200 27,300 34,600 42,400 48,100 53,500 59,700
Great Britain 30,800 72,700 120,200 159,400 206,900 258,700 312,100 355,800 395,000 438,000

Table 3
Cumulative starts at employment training managers: September 1988 to June 1989
Training agency region September October November December January February March April May June
South East 1,500 3,600 5,600 7,300 9,600 12,100 14,200 16,500 18,100 20,500
London 2,500 5,600 8,700 11,100 14,900 18,300 22,100 25,200 27,700 30,900
South West 1,100 2,800 4,800 6,600 8,700 11,200 13,500 15,500 17,200 19,100
West Midlands 2,500 6,200 10,000 13,300 17,700 22,700 27,600 31,700 35,000 38,800
East Midlands and Eastern 1,800 4,500 7,400 9,600 12,500 16,100 19,300 22,400 24,800 27,600
Yorkshire and Humberside 3,000 7,500 13,000 17,400 22,900 29,000 34,300 39,200 43,300 47,800
North West 3,000 8,000 13,500 17,700 23,100 30,200 36,700 42,400 47,300 53,600
Northern 2,400 5,600 9,300 12,200 15,800 20,600 25,200 29,000 32,300 36,300
Wales 1,400 3,300 6,000 8,200 11,100 14,700 17,900 20,900 23,200 25,800
Scotland 2,300 5,500 9,500 13,400 17,100 22,500 28,500 32,900 36,800 41,700
Great Britain 21,500 52,500 87,800 116,600 153,300 197,300 239,400 275,700 305,700 342,100

Ms. Short

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what were the number of accidents on employment training(a) fatal, (b) major and (c) minor, from the start of the scheme to the latest available date; and how many (i) employer-based work and (ii) project-based work placements have been either rejected or closed on health and safety grounds during the same period.

Mr. Nicholls

Table A gives the accident figures since the inception of employment training on 5 September 1988 to date.

Table A
Fatal Nil
Major 109
Minor 618

Separate figures for closures and rejections for employer-based and project-based work placements are not kept. However, table B gives the figures of closures and rejections on health and safety grounds from 5 September to 30 June 1989. These figures are provisional.

Table B
Closed 10
Rejected Nil

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