HC Deb 24 July 1989 vol 157 cc522-3W
Mr. Heddle

To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster if he will make a statement on the impact of urban development corporations on the regeneration of inner cities, indicating inter alia(a) the amount of grants made, (b) the amount of private investment attracted, (c) the number of acres retained and (d) other benefits achieved in each of the urban district councils in England and Wales.

Mr. Trippier

I have been asked to reply.

Urban development corporations are making a significant impact on the problems of dereliction and decay at the heart of several of our inner cities. The specific figures for each English urban development council, up to 31 March 1989, are as follows:

brochures setting out its future development strategy region by region, with emphasis on proposals to be started during 1989–90.

For the current financial year, I have asked the corporation to aim for an assisted areas programme of up to £44 million. In addition, English Estates has started work on a special programme for the provision in Sunderland of some £7.5 million for factory space over and above its existing commitment in the north-east. We expect £4 million of that special programme to fall within 1989–90, producing a total capital expenditure programme in the assisted areas this year of up to £48 million, compared to £45 million in 1988–89.

Our intention is to give a clear signal to the private sector of the opportunities that exist or are becoming available for private investment in parts of the country which have previously been served by direct provision by public sector agencies, while at the same time reaffirming the Government's commitment to areas where, for the time being, the private sector is not providing the new industrial and commercial floor space needed for the promotion of viable new economic activity and employment opportunities.

In addition to the assisted areas programme, English Estates has reached an agreement with a private sector company, London Industrial, to co-operate in a joint venture for a substantial programme to provide managed work space in inner city areas of London. Other managed work space projects will be undertaken within the assisted areas in Manchester and Rochdale and there is a further project in Derby.