HC Deb 20 July 1989 vol 157 cc316-7W
Dr. Thomas

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how many night low-level flights took place in the United Kingdom low-flying system in 1988.

Mr. Neubert

Central records are not available in a form which would allow the information requested to be provided.

Dr. Thomas

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, pursuant to his reply to the hon. Member for Meirionnydd Nant Conwy of 24 January,Official Report, column 555, whether centre is quantified as a radius in kilometres in the instructions to pilots concerning overflight of the centres of major conurbations and built-up areas in the United Kingdom low flying system.

Mr. Neubert


Dr. Thomas

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, pursuant to the replies to the hon. Member for Meirionydd Nant Conwy of 9 November 1987,Official Report, columns 36–7, 20 January 1988, Official Report, column 765, and 10 May 1989, Official Report, columns 474–5, on what assumed average number of movements per sortie the figures for low-flying sorties in the years 1985, 1986, 1987 and 1988, as recalculated by the pre-1985 method of estimating sorties from numbers of movements, were based; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Neubert


Dr. Thomas

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, pursuant to the reply to the hon. Member for Meirionnydd Nant Conwy of 25 May,Official Report, column 732, what are the differences between the bases of recording low flying movements in the Borders tactical training area before and after July 1988.

Mr. Neubert

Depending on the route adopted, flights using the borders tactical training area after July 1988 may generate more than one movement in central records.

Dr. Thomas

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what advice is given to military aircrews on the use of the common North Atlantic Treaty Organisation radio frequency for low level flying when operating in the United Kingdom low flying system.

Mr. Neubert

There is no common North Atlantic Treaty Organisation radio frequency for low flying. However, a specially designated frequency is available for the transmission of flight safety information within the United Kingdom low flying system.

Dr. Thomas

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what information on the location of planned entry into and exit from low flying areas is provided to RAF West Drayton by military aircrews planning low flying sorties.

Mr. Neubert


Dr. Thomas

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what is the specific purpose of the Milford Haven low flying avoidance area; and if there are any plans to alter its extent and scope.

Mr. Neubert

It is not our practice to release specific details of the United Kingdom low flying system.

Dr. Thomas

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what plans exist to lower the minimum permitted altitude for terrain-following radar flying in the Highlands restricted area.

Mr. Neubert

Low flying military aircraft using the Highlands restricted area operate within the relevant height constraints of the United Kingdom low flying system and there are no plans to change this.

Dr. Thomas

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what plans exist to permit terrain-following radar flying in areas of the United Kingdom other than the Highlands restricted area.

Mr. Neubert

In appropriate meteorological conditions, terrain following radar may already be used to assist flying by suitably equipped aircraft anywhere in the United Kingdom low flying system.

Dr. Thomas

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what plans he has further to reduce the number and size of low flying avoidance areas covering special rules airspace around civil airports; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Neubert

Special rules airspace and civil aerodrome traffic zones constitute in themselves avoidance areas for military aircraft, except where entry has been authorised by the controlling authority. There are no plans to change these arrangements.

Dr. Thomas

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence (1) what use is made of high frequency radio for air traffic control in the United Kingdom low flying system;

(2) what use is made of satellite communications for air traffic control in the United Kingdom low flying system.

Mr. Neubert

None. The assistance of air traffic control is not required in the management of the airspace constituting the United Kingdom low flying system.

Dr. Thomas

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what was the percentage change in the number of low-level flights authorised at less than 250 ft between 1979 and 1988.

Mr. Neubert

This information is not available in the form requested. The information that is available has already been given in replies to the hon. Member by my predecessor on 2 November 1987,Official Report, column 487, and on 20 January 1988, Official Report, columns 764–65, and in the reply that I gave to the hon. Member on 25 May 1989, Official Report, columns 732–33.

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