HC Deb 14 July 1989 vol 156 c660W
Mr. Churchill

To ask the Secretary of State for Health what has been the cumulative total of his Department's expenditure since May 1979 to date over and above the expenditure level prevailing in May 1979.

Mr. Freeman

[holding answer 29 June 1989]: Between 1979–80 and 1989–90 total gross expenditure on the health and personal social services programme in England has increased by nearly 36 per cent. in real terms. The table shows gross expenditure in each year since 1979–80 at 1989–90 prices and the cumulative real terms increases during this period:

HPSS Gross Expenditure 1979–80 to 1989–90 at Current Prices
£ millions
at 1989–90 prices Cumulative increase in real terms
1979–80 18,574
1980–81 20,208 1,634
1981–82 20,591 2,017
1982–83 20,978 2,404
1983–84 21,353 2,779
1984–85 21,804 3,230
1985–86 21,868 3,294
1986–87 22,869 4,295
1987–88 24,006 5,432
1988–89 24,884 6,310
1989–90 25,230 6,656