HC Deb 06 July 1989 vol 156 c250W
Mr. Churchill

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Services what has been the cumulative total of his Department's expenditure since May 1979 to date over and above the expenditure level prevailing in May 1979.

Mr. Scott

[holding answer 29 June 1989]: The total programme of public expenditure on social security in 1979–80 and each of the following years, including the forecast for 1989–90, is as follows. The size of the programme had the level of spending remained exactly as it was in 1979–80 in real terms is also indicated:

£ billion
Actual/planned expenditure Expenditure at level of 1979–80
1979–80 19.4 19.4
1980–81 23.5 23.0
1981–82 28.6 25.2
1982–83 32.5 27.0
1983–84 35.2 28.3
1984–85 38.1 29.7
1985–86 41.5 31.2
1986–87 44.4 32.3
1987–88 46.3 34.0
1988–89 47.6 36.6
11989–90 51.1 38.4
1 Planned.