HC Deb 05 July 1989 vol 156 c195W
Mr. John Browne

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he is in a position to announce the name of the chairman and the terms of reference of the committee to review privacy and related matters.

Mr. Hurd

Mr. David Calcutt QC, Master of Magdalene college, Cambridge has accepted the offer of the chairmanship of the committee to review privacy and related matters. The terms of reference will beIn the light of recent public concern about intrusions into the private lives of individuals by certain sections of the press, to consider what measures (whether legislative or otherwise) are needed to give further protection to individual privacy from the activities of the press and improve recourse against the press for the individual citizen, taking account of existing remedies, including the law on defamation and breach of confidence; and to make recommendations.

A further announcement will be made about the membership of the committee. We understand that the chairman will meanwhile be issuing early invitations to submit evidence. We have asked the chairman to complete his report speedily.