HC Deb 15 February 1989 vol 147 cc225-7W
Ms. Short

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment (1) if he will show, from the 1988 labour force survey, by region, including Greater London, and by male and female, the numbers of people who were(a) without jobs and who looked for work in the four weeks before their labour force survey interview and were available to start work within two weeks, who wanted full time jobs, the number who wanted part time jobs and the number who had no preference, (b) unemployed according to the standard labour force survey definition who were looking for full time jobs and the number looking for part time jobs and the number who had no preference, (c) in part time jobs who were looking for a different job with longer hours or looking for an additional job, (d) looking for a different job with shorter hours, (e) claimants not unemployed by the definition using broad International Labour Organisation guidelines on the grounds that they were employed and (f) claimants not unemployed by the conventional labour force survey definition on the grounds that they were employed;

(2) if he will show, from the 1988 labour force survey by region including Greater London, and by male and female, the number of people not counted as unemployed by the definition using broad International Labour Organisation guidelines on the grounds that they had not looked for a job in the four weeks prior to interview, but

Table A
Self-employed in Great Britain
June South East Greater London1 East Anglia South West West Midlands East Midlands Yorkshire & Humberside North West North Wales Scotland
Male 544 n/a 64 111 124 99 107 161 61 98 128
Female 107 n/a 15 35 17 17 27 53 16 26 32
All 651 n/a 79 146 141 116 134 214 77 124 160
Male 567 220 72 161 137 127 130 163 64 94 137
Female 163 59 22 52 40 30 39 61 27 32 42
All 730 279 94 213 177 157 169 224 91 126 179
Male 647 256 83 171 151 129 159 183 73 108 145
Female 211 74 26 62 36 37 44 75 19 36 40
All 858 330 109 233 187 166 203 258 92 144 185
Male 686 280 86 186 145 124 162 193 79 111 151
Female 217 80 28 65 40 33 60 74 25 35 49
All 903 360 114 251 185 157 222 267 104 146 200
Male 667 260 81 193 144 127 163 196 79 120 165
Female 237 86 24 63 43 40 53 71 26 34 40
All 904 346 105 256 187 167 216 267 105 154 205

who stated that they would like a job if one was available, and (a) were available to start work within two weeks and (b) were not available to start work within two weeks;

(3) if he will, from the 1988 labour force survey, publish a table for each Great Britain region and Greater London, by male and female, and claimant status, the numbers of people without work who had looked for a job in the four week reference period, and were available to start work within two weeks.

Mr. Lee

Results from the 1988 labour force survey are not yet available.

Ms. Short

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment if he will show by region, including Greater London, and by male and female, the number of self-employed people in June 1979, June 1983, June 1984, June 1985, June 1986, June 1987 and June 1988, and show by region, including Greater London, and by male and female the number of people in the working population in June 1979, June 1983, June 1984, June 1985, June 1986, June 1987 and June 1988.

Mr. Lee

Table A shows the estimated numbers of self-employed people for the areas and dates specified. Table B gives the available information for the civilian work force, which is the sum of employees in employment, the self-employed, participants in work-related Government training programmes and claimant unemployed.

June South East Greater London1 East Anglia South West West Midlands East Midlands Yorkshire & Humberside North West North Wales Scotland
Male 778 303 88 206 164 144 176 209 78 105 152
Female 254 95 39 72 45 45 60 70 30 43 42
All 1,032 399 127 278 209 189 236 279 108 148 194
Male 813 317 91 210 169 149 184 216 80 108 157
Female 274 103 43 77 47 48 64 73 32 46 45
All 1,087 419 134 287 216 197 248 289 112 154 202
1 Included in South East.
n/a= Not available.

Table B
Civilian workforce in Great Britain
June South East Greater London1 East Anglia South West West Midlands East Midlands Yorkshire & Humberside North West North Wales Scotland
Male 5,019 n/a 502 1,093 1,542 1,063 1,380 1,831 882 769 1,445
Female 3,345 n/a 308 734 951 676 873 1,241 554 461 984
All 8,364 n/a 810 1,828 2,493 1,740 2,253 3,072 1,436 1,230 2,429
Male 5,058 2,452 526 1,138 1,518 1,076 1,349 1,747 829 722 1,422
Female 3,444 1,630 330 764 949 689 870 1,203 537 454 981
All 8,503 4,081 856 1,902 2,467 1,766 2,219 2,950 1,366 1,177 2,403
Male 5,161 2,487 542 1,161 1,529 1,086 1,366 1,753 834 733 1,426
Female 3,629 1,680 348 806 977 727 903 1,243 552 470 1,008
All 8,790 4,168 890 1,967 2,506 1,813 2,269 2,996 1,387 1,203 2,433
Male 5,249 2,521 566 1,189 1,535 1,128 1,374 1,755 849 736 1,442
Female 3,733 1,703 368 830 1,008 753 942 1,262 563 470 1,029
All 8,981 4,225 934 2,019 2,543 1,881 2,316 3,017 1,412 1,206 2,470
Male 5,231 2,502 579 1,190 1,542 1,126 1,384 1,731 852 734 1,442
Female 3,834 1,730 377 845 1,033 774 952 1,273 582 468 1,026
All 9,065 4,232 956 2,035 2,575 1,900 2,336 3,004 1,434 1,202 2,468
Male 5,287 2,501 598 1,196 1,554 1,134 1,383 1,708 847 703 1,416
Female 3,909 1,747 406 870 1,052 790 973 1,278 588 478 1,037
All 9,196 4,248 1,005 2,066 2,605 1,924 2,356 2,986 1,435 1,181 2,454
Male 5,238 2,468 614 1,173 1,528 1,128 1,359 1,663 835 689 1,381
Female 3,970 1,755 416 869 1,064 800 982 1,268 592 486 1,038
All 9,207 4,224 1,029 2,042 2,591 1,928 2,342 2,932 1,427 1,175 2,420
1 Included in South East.
n/a =Not available.

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