HC Deb 02 February 1989 vol 146 c369W
Mr. Wigley

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many people had their entitlement to invalidity pensions withdrawn during 1988; how many of these have lodged appeals; and, of those, how many have been(a) successful, (b) unsuccessful and (c) how many are still awaiting determination.

Mr. Peter Lloyd

I regret that the information requested on the number of cases where entitlement has been withdrawn is not readily available. The latest administrative statistics on social security appeal tribunals relate to appeals heard in the quarter ending 31 March 1988 and they are given in the table provided.

Social Security Appeal Statistics—quarter ending 31 March 1988 Invalidity Benefit.
Number of appeals lodged 1,527
Total number heard and decided 1,241
Number heard in claimant's favour 529
Number outstanding at end of quarter 12,365
1 Includes appeals outstanding from previous quarter.

Social security expenditure in real terms1 1983–84 to 1991–92—Great Britain
£ million
1983–84 outturn 1984–85 outturn 1985–86 outturn 1986–87 outturn 1987–88 outturn 1988–89 outturn2 1989–90 Plans1 1990–91 plans1 1991–92 plans1
Contributory benefits3
Pension benefits
Retirement pension basic element 18,580 18,561 18,971 19,588 19,503 18,904 19,198 19,800 19,900
additional pension 77 106 163 244 311 377 474 600 700
Christmas bonus 131 128 121 119 114 109 105 100 100
Widows' benefits, etc.
basic element 965 928 885 876 838 838 802 800 800
additional pension 19 32 38 45 53 70 84 100 100
Unemployment, incapacity and other benefits
Unemployment benefit 1,911 1,929 1,833 1,935 1,560 1,143 920 900 1,000
Sickness benefit 338 341 318 200 205 205 196 200 200
Invalidity benefit basic element 2,304 2,497 2,564 2,768 2,876 3,057 3,347 3,600 3,800
additional pension 86 122 147 215 278 353 451 600 700
Death grant 22 21 21 20 3
Industrial injuries benefit
Industrial disablement benefit 471 466 470 491 482 455 450 500 500
Industrial death benefit 69 67 67 68 60 57 57 100 100
Other industrial injuries benefits 6 6 6 4 4 4 4
Family benefits
Maternity alowance 180 197 189 187 54 27 28
Guardian's allowance and child's special allowance 3 2 1 2 2 1 1
Total contributory benefit expenditure 25,162 25,403 25,793 26,765 26,343 25,600 26,116 27,300 27,900
Non-contributory benefits4
Pension benefits
Non-contributory retirement pension 52 48 47 50 39 36 36
Christmas bonus 8 7 8 9 9 7 8
War pension 669 665 670 657 636 603 592 600 600
Disability benefits
Attendance allowance 632 704 791 869 953 1,042 1,140 1,200 1,300
Invalid care allowance 13 13 15 116 195 160 180 200 200