HC Deb 01 December 1989 vol 162 cc467-76W
Dr. David Clark

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (1) if he will list all the research projects he is funding into residues of pesticides in food, including the location and amount spent on each project; and if he will make a statement;

(2) if he will list all the research projects he is funding into the efficient use of pesticides, including the location and amount spent on each project; and if he will make a statement;

(3) if he will list all the research projects he is funding into the environmental effects of pesticides, including the location and amount spent on each project; and if he will make a statement;

(4) if he will list all the research projects he is funding into alternative methods of pest control other than the use of pesticides, including the location and amount spent on each project; and if he will make a statement.

41. Mr. Maclean

My Department attaches a high priority to research concerned with pesticides and alternative methods of pest control and will be spending over £18.5 million on this in 1989–90. The following research projects are being carried out by or on behalf of the Department:

(a) Research funded by MAFF concerned with residues of pesticides in food
Amount of funding in 1989–90
Project and location £'000
1. DDT in brassicas—ADAS (Harpenden) 15
2. Effect of residues of processing fruit and vegetables—University of Reading 12
3. Fate of residues in animal feed from treated wheat—Dalgety Spillers (Cambridge) 7.3
4. Determination of individual dithiocarbamate residues and ethycenethiourea in food—University of Reading 21
5. Dithiocarbamate levels in protected lettuces— ADAS (Harpenden) 28
6. Tolclofus-methyl in protected lettuces—ADAS (Harpenden) 15
7. Iprodione in cabbages—ADAS (Harpenden) 9

(b) Research funded by MAFF concerned with the efficient use of pesticides
Amount of funding in 1989–90
Project and location £'000
1. Vegetable pests and diseases
Control of insect pests of vegetables through minimal usage of insecticides and integration with other control methods. This includes seed film-coating and investigations of site-to-site differences in performance of insecticides; Biology, behaviour and control of insect pests of vegetables underpinning pest forecasting to reduce applications of pesticides; Control of diseases of vegetables using film-coating to reduce pesticide applications; Biology, resistance and control of diseases of field vegetables leading to forecasting to reduce applications of pesticides—Institute of Horticultural Research (IHR) Wellesbourne 480
2. Fruit Pests and Diseases
Biology, epidemiology and control of pests and diseases of apples and pears underpinning forecasting to reduce applications of pesticides—IHR, East Malling 50
3. Use of more efficient sprays such as low volume sprays on hops—ADAS Rosemaund EHF 10
4. To minimise chemical use and spray drift through establishing relations between spray parameters, deposition patterns and biological control obtained—Institute of Engineering Research (IER), Silsoe 498
5. To investigate interactions between spray volume, drop size, air volume and air velocity; the resulting deposition patterns and the biological control obtained—Institute of Arable Crops Research (IACR), Long Ashton 78
6. To reduce inputs to vegetable growing systems through the use of information technology—IER, Silsoe 70
7. Evaluation of systems for pesticide application to fruit and hops—ADAS, Kent 11
8. Control of spray droplet and drift—University of Leeds 15
9. The dynamic behaviour of specialised spraying vehicles—University of Leeds 3
10. Factors controlling the dispersal and deposition of spray droplets—IACR Rothamsted 15
11. Factors affecting the performance of Control Droplet Application (CDA) sprays—IACR, Long Ashton 23
12. Deposition, activity and fate of pesticides applied to crops
To understand the effects of formulation on pesticide uptake, spreading, persistence and movement in plants. To minimise effect on non-target organisms and develop strategies to retard the evolution of insensitivity in target pathogens— IACL (Long Ashton) 274
13. Biology and control of weeds in arable crops and waterways
To assess the potential of herbicides, reduce phytotoxity to non-target flora, improve herbicide performance in relation to weather factors and in relation to the population dynamics of weeds—IACL (Long Ashton) 317

Project and location £'000
14. Economic and environmentally benign pest and disease control in cereal crops
To improve the performance of pesticides and minimise usage by developing forecasting schemes—IACL (Long Ashton) 211
15. Integrated crop management
To manipulate interactions between agrochemical and fertiliser inputs, and husbandry factors such as cultivation method and straw disposal in rationing the use of pesticides on cereals—IACL (Long Ashton) 146
16. Diseases of non-cereal crops
To rationalise fungicide inputs through an understanding of the epidemiology of tuber diseases of potatoes and diseases of oilseed crops in relation to yield and quality—IACL (Rothamsted) 391
17. Diseases of cereals
To rationalise pesticide inputs through an understanding of the epidemiology of cereal leaf, stembase and virus diseases, and to minimise the health risks posed to man and livestock by storage moulds—IACL (Rothamsted) 392
18. Physicochemical factors affecting movement and efficacy of chemical control agents in plants and soil—IACL (Rothamsted) 164
19. Pests of non-cereal crops
To rationalise nematicide and insecticide inputs by understanding the ecology, behaviour and control of pests on oilseed rape, potatoes and other arable crops—IACL (Rothamsted) 350
20. To overcome problems of insensitivity to insecticides in target pests—IACL (Rothamsted) 321
21. Management of honey bee colonies to safeguard foraging bees from damage by pesticide applied to crops and by diseases of bees—IACL (Rothamsted) 120
22. To monitor vector aphids and forecast virus infection of crops—IACL (Rothamsted) 32
23. Systems of cereal production
To develop environmentally more benign low input systems for cereals from knowledge of the information between fungicides, varieties and husbandry factors—ADAS (N, M & W, E, SE, Wales, Bridget's, Boxworth) 128
24. Damage assessment and forecasting pests
To refine action thresholds for the application of insecticides to control cereal pests, to minimise their injudicious use and reduce any adverse effects on the environment. To evaluate whether action thresholds can be used during pest monitoring studies to improve the quality of short-term forecasts—Regional Offices, Area Laboratories and Harpenden Laboratory 148
25. Wheat: leaf and ear diseases
To investigate the epidemiology of weat foliar diseases in relation to the timing of fungicide treatment and growth stage/calendar date, to develop forecasting schemes, to refine the Managed Disease Control system, to investigate the control of foliar diseases with different levels of fungicide input and provide early warning of impending fungicide resistance problems—Regional Offices, Area Laboratories, EHFs and Harpenden Laboratory 319

Project and location £'000
26. Winter wheat: stem base diseases
To improve understanding of the actiology and epidemiology of stem-base diseases of wheat, to devise reliable forecasting and prediction schemes for eyespot and information on the importance of Fusarium end to monitor fungicide resistance for stem-base diseases,—Regional Offices, Area Laboratories EHFs 72
27. Winter barley: leaf and stem-base diseases
To investigate the epidemiology of winter barley foliar diseases in relation to the timing of fungicide treatment and growth stage/calendar date, to develop forecasting stresses, to refine the Managed Disease control system, to investigate the control of foliar diseases with different levels of fungicide input and provide early warning of fungicide resistance problems, to improve under-standing of the aetiology and epidemiology of stem-base diseases, to devise reliable forecasting and prediction schemes for eyespot and information on the importance of Fusarium and to monitor for fungicide resistance for stem-base diseases—Regional Offices, EHFS 72
28. Spring barley: leaf and ear diseases
To evaluate mildew fungicides with different modes of inhibitory action, as seed treatments and as foliar sprays, to refine disease prediction and control methods and to monitor for fungicide resistance in populations of powdery mildew—Regional Offices 30
29. Disease assessment and crop losses
To survey diseases of winter wheat and winter barley and to provide information on the level of pesticide usage, significance of diseases for decisions on R & D priorities, and the extent of pesticide resistance problems to develop a system for predicting the economics of alternative spray decisions primarily to minimise unnecessary application of fungicides—Regional Offices, Harpenden Laboratory 213
30. Cereals: virus diseases
To develop a forecasting system for Barley yellow Dwarf virus to minimise the unnecessary use of insecticides on cereals in the autumn and allow full exploitation of genetic resistance of new varieties. To understand the epidemiology of seed borne viruses,—Regional Offices, Harpenden Laboratory 388
31. Herbicide use and weed control systems
To refine treatment thresholds and strategies for rational weed control in cereals to minimise unnecessary use of herbicides, to monitor the spread of herbicide resistant blackgrass and other weeds and develop strategic methods for research on new control—Regional Offices, EHFs 273
32. Potatoes: pests
To refine action thresholds for the application of aphicides to control potato aphid, to reduce prophylactic spray applications, to lessen the role of insecticide resistance and to develop integrated control strategies for potato cyst nematode—Regional Offices, EHFs 243
33. Potatoes: diseases
To develop an ELISA technique for testing for virus infection of seed potatoes, to determine the association between Erwinia loading on seed potatoes and blackleg in the subsequent crop under English conditions and to monitor the development of fungicide resistance in potato blight—Regional Offices EHFs 175
34. Oilseed rape: pests—Regional Offices, EHFs 186

Project and location £'000
35. Oilseed rape: diseases—Regional Offices, Harpenden Laboratory 123
36. Combining peas (part)—Regional Offices, EHFs 171
37. Field beans (part)—Regional Offices, EHFs 125
38. Practical methods for rodent control and resistance to rodenticides—Regional Offices, Worplesdon Laboratory 1,168
39. Cost effective, humane and environmentally acceptable rabbit management—Regional Offices, EHFs, Worplesdon Laboratory 796
40. Pest damage assessment, forecasting of crop pests, and effects of pesticides on beneficial invertebrates—Regional Offices, Harpenden Laboratory 356
41. Identification and control of alien pests and resistance to pesticides—Harpenden Laboratory 220
42. Disease damage assessment and forecasting of disease to minimise pesticide usage—Harpenden Laboratory 176
43. Studies on insect detection, insect behaviour and factors which influence the performance of residual insecticides—Harpenden Laboratory 296
44. Evaluation of the control of insects and mites in cereals, oilseeds and other commodities—Slough Laboratory 296
45. Control of pests by fumigation—Slough Laboratory 356
46. Studies on the mechanisms, detection, measurement and management of resistance in storage arthropods—Slough Laboratory 392
47. The uptake, translocation and distribution of pesticide residues in stored products—Slough Laboratory 116

(c) Research funded by MAFF concerned with environmental effects of pesticides
Amount of Funding in 1989–90 (£'000)
Project Location
1. Methods for assessing the effects of pesticides on wildlife—ADAS, Worplesdon and Tolworth 60
2. Indirect effects of pesticides on wildlife—ADAS, Worplesdon and Tolworth 96
3. The economic and ecological effects of pest disease and weed control systems in intensively-produced cereal1—ADAS, Boxworth EHF, Worplesdon, Tolworth and Cambridge 244
4. Invertebrate fauna of cereal fields1—University of Southampton 32
5. Small mammal studies1—University of Cambridge 22
6. Cereal pest/predator interactions1—University of Cambridge 25
7. The effect of pesticides used in grassland on non-target organisms—Universities of Leeds and Newcastle, Institute for Grassland and Animal Production (IGAP), Hurley 23

Project Location
8. Pesticide residues (includes work on pesticide degradation in the soil and pesticide leaching)—ADAS, Cambridge Field Drainage Experimental Unit, Cambridge 166
1 Part of Boxworth project.

(d) Research funded by MAFF concerned with alternatives to pesticides for pest control

Integrated control of pests on outdoor crops The use of natural enemies, chemical and cultural methods to control aphid pests in cereals. Location—Institute of Horticultural Research (IHR), Littlehampton. Funding in 1989–90—£124,000.

Biology and ecology of pests, pathogens and beneficial organisms

  1. (a) The development of new methods of insect management using non-polluting chemicals affecting behaviour.
  2. (b) The development of methods using natural predators and pesticides in integrated control systems for pests of arable crops.
  3. (c) To determine the effects of straw incorporation and cultivation techniques on populations of pest aphids and beneficial insects, and to assess the implications for future pesticides usage.

Location—Institute of Arable Crops Research (IACR), Rothamsted.

Funding in 1989–90—£768,000.

Control of diseases in cereals To develop methods, involving biological control, agrochemicals, host resistance and husbandry practices to minimise the harmful effects of takeall. Location—IACR, Rothamsted. Funding in 1989–90—£66,000.

Development of oats and disease resistant cereals To evaluate new sources of disease resistance and to incorporate new resistant germplasm into high yielding winter and spring oat varieties. Location—Institute for Grassland and Animal Production (IGAP), Aberystwyth Funding in 1989–90—4152,000.

Disease and pest management in agro-ecosystems harmonised with the environment

  1. (a) To rationalise the development of resistant varieties by understanding the mechanisms underlying genetic host resistance, its specificity with regard to pathogen variation, its relationship with non-host resistance and the corresponding implications for its durability.
  2. >(b) To identify and conserve genetically resistant germplasm of currently important crops and minor alternative crops. Characterisation and determination of the durability of such resistances and their deployment in disease management systems using reduced pesticide inputs.
  3. (c) To develop an holistic approach to the deployment of genetic resistance in the field with special reference to grassland cereal farming and farm forestry in de-intensified systems.
  4. (d) To integrate the use of natural biocides, particularly Bacillus thuringiensis toxin, genetic resistance and systemic pesticides in the management of crop pests and diseases.

Location—IGAP, Aberystwyth

Funding in 1989–90—£153,000

The improvement of dry peas To define an optimum model for composition of storage compounds in a pea seed by understanding genetic variation and storage product accumulation in embryos, to improve the quality of peas for use as food and feed, and to improve disease resistance in the pea crop. Location—Institute of Plant Science Research (IPSR), Norwich Funding in 1989–90—£235,000

Pests of non-cereal crops To develop methods for the containment of soil dwelling nematodes by the integrated use of crop rotations, reliable resistant cultivars and efficiently-used, safely-formulated nematicides, thereby delaying selection of virulent nematode pathotypes and minimising cost and risks to operatives and the environment. Particular attention is paid to potato cyst nematodes and to other nematodes of forage and grain legumes. Problems of nematode attack in oilseed rape and other alternative crops such as sunflower and lupin are being investigated. Studies on the nature of host tolerance to nematode attack and the complex interactions between nematode host races and culture resistance are contributing to the development of integrated control measures. Location—IACR, Rothamsted Funding in 1989–90—£178,000

Bird damage assessment and development of control techniques Location—ADAS, Worplesdon Funding in 1989–90—£464,000

The biology of storage arthropods and development of physical and biological control strategies Location—ADAS, Slough Funding in 1989–90—£308,000

Laboratory and field evaluation of novel methods of pest control Location—ADAS, Slough Funding in 1989–90—£452,000

Control of storage pests using modified atmospheres Location—ADAS, Slough Funding in 1989–90—£272,000

Cereals: soil-borne fungal diseases Location—ADAS, EHFs Funding in 1989–90—£163,000

Control of specific weeds and headland weed control Location—ADAS, Regional Centres Funding in 1989–90—£12,000

Alternative cropping systems. Includes work on milling wheat production under organic farming systems Location—ADAS, EHFs Funding in 1989–90—£133,000

Novel methods of pest control Location—IACR, Rothamsted Funding in 1989–90—£6,000

Field Vegetable Breeding Evaluation of new varieties for resistance to pests and diseases. Genetic improvement of lettuce. Work to find new sources of genetic resistance to downy mildew, lettuce root aphid and important viral diseases. Genetics of host resistance to disease and development of resistant breeding material for important fungal and viral diseases. Location—IHR, Wellesbourne and ADAS, EHSs Funding in 1989–90—£140,000 +£30,000

Field Vegetable Pests Evaluation of biological/integrated control systems. Resistance of vegetables to insect pests, including biochemical methods of screening plant material for resistance, and pest-host plant interactions. Location—IHR, Wellesbourne and ADAS, EHSs Funding in 1989–90—£240,000+£75,000

Field Vegetable Diseases Evaluaion of biological/integrated control systems. Biology, resistance and control of diseases of composites, crucifers and legumes. Methods of control through resistance, incuding durability of single gene resistance. Screening for resistance to cucumber mosaic virus in marrow. Location—IHR, Wellesbourne and ADAS, EHSs Funding in 1989–90—£210,000+£75,000

Field Vegetable Weeds Development of novel programmes for weed control in vegetable crops, including cultural and other techniques for controlling weeds with less reliance on herbicides. Location—IHR, Wellesbourne Funding in 1989–90—£20,000

Top Fruit Breeding To breed and select apple, pear, cherry, plum scion varieties and rootstocks which, amongst other attributes, are resistant to pests and diseases. Location—IHR, East Mailing Funding in 1989–90—£65,000

Top Fruit Protection Evaluation of biological/integrated control systems. In vitro techniques for selection for resistance to fireblight. In vitro techniques for testing for resistance to bacterial canker in cherry. Biology, ecology and control of apple and pear pests, including regulation of spider mite in apples by predatory mites, regulation of P. pyncola on pears by predators. Location—IHR, East Mailing and ADAS EHSs Funding in 1989–90—£290,000 plus £80,000

Soft Fruit Breeding Breeding and selection of strawberries and raspberries which, amongst other attributes, are resistant to pests and diseases. Location—IHR, East Malting Funding in 1989–90—£40,000

Soft Fruit Protection To elucidate the biology of wilt disease of stawberries and to improve control through biological means; select and exploit plant resistance for wilt control. To study the biology, ecology and pest-damage relationships for several pest species, together with the development of control strategies. Location—IHR, East Malling Funding in 1989–90—£100,000

Hop Production and Protection Effects of plant spacing on disease incidence in hops. Evaluation of wilt resistance in breeding material of hops. Control of damson-hop aphids by introducing or encouraging the migration to hop gardens of natural predators. Study of factors affecting the sexual activity and migration of damson-hop aphids to identify weak points in its life cycle. Evaluation of biological agents for controlling the two-spotted spite mite. Location—IHR, Wye Sub centre and ADAS—Rosemaund EHF Funding in 1989–90—£13,000 plus £10,000

Glasshouse Crop Pests Evaluation of biological-integrated control systems. Biological control of major glasshouse pests (whitefly and red spider mite), secondary pests (especially aphids and thrips) and newly-established non-indigenous pests. Location—IHR, Littlehampton and ADAS—Rosemaund EHF Funding in 1989–90—£150,000 plus £150,000

Glasshouse Crop Diseases Evaluation of biological-integrated control systems. Integrated control of bacterial and fungal pathogens, utilising biological agents. Local—IHR, Littlehampton and ADAS EHSs Funding in 1989–90—£140,000 plus £100,000

Evaluation of biological and other novel methods for pest control in greenhouse crops Improvement in efficiency of Bacillus thuringiensis for arthropod pest control. Use of fungi for control of arthropod pests. Use of insect viruses for control of phytophagous pests. The diagnosis of pathogens in invertebrate pest populations. Use of insect parasite nematodes for pest control of glasshouse and mushroom pests. Location—IHR, Littlehampton. Funding in 1989–90—£410,000.

Mushroom Protection Novel control methods for mushroom pests, including behaviour-modifying chemicals, antagonists, repellents, and insect-parasite nematodes. Biological control of bacterial blotch disease. Location—IHR, Littlehampton. Funding in 1989–90—£70,000.

Hardy Ornamental Nursery Stock—Protection Control of disease in the propagation of container-grown nursery stock, including biological control. Location—IHR, Littlehampton. Funding in 1989–90—£70,000.

Bulb Breeding Use of induced mutations and conventional methods to breed disease resistant Narcissus cultivars. Location—IHR, Littlehampton. Funding in 1989–90—£70,000.

Bulb Protection Control of fungal diseases of ornamental bulbs and corms, including screening for genetic resistance and biological control methods. Location—IHR, Littlehampton and ADAS EHSs. Funding in 1989–90—£10,000 + £10,000.

Development of integrated control methods for Western Flower Thrips Location—IHR, Littlehampton Funding in 1989–90—£18,000

Control of Narcissus basal rot by antagonists Location—Exeter University Funding in 1989–90—£10,000

Influence of pests and diseases on grassland agriculture, and their control by biological means

  1. (a) To develop non-polluting methods of controlling pests and diseases in newly-sown grassland with emphasis on legumes.
  2. (b) To determine the magnitude of losses of grassland legumes to pests and diseases and, thereby, the potential for application of biocontrol methods to grassland.
  3. (c) To determine the potential of endophytic fungi in ryegrass as a means of biocontrol of grassland pests.

Location—IGAP, Hurley

Funding in 1989–90—£129,000

Diseases and pests of forage grasses and legumes

  1. (a) Host: nematode relationships in forage grasses.
  2. (b) Host: nematode relationships in forage legumes.
  3. (c) Host: fungus relationships in forage grasses.
  4. (d) Host: fungus relationships in forage legumes.
  5. (e) Host: virus relationships in graminaceous and legume species. Mechanisms of host resistance.
  6. (f) Identification of genetically resistant germ plasm in grasses and forage legumes.
  7. (g) Relationships between endophytic fungi and their grass hosts.

Location—IGAP, Aberystwyth

Funding in 1989–90—£147,000

Exploit genetic variability in forage grasses

  1. (a) Develop selection criteria and produce new gene combinations in perennial ryegrass.
  2. 476
  3. (b) Enhancement of new germplasm created by hybridising Italian and perennial ryegrass and development of new gene combinations in Italian ryegrass.
  4. (c) Develop and evaluate ryegrass/fescue hybrids with new potentials for coping with climatic change.

Location—IGAP, Aberystwyth

Funding in 1989–90—£322,000

Develop techniques and exploit genetic variation to improve legumes Exploit genetic variation to improve yield, reliability of yield persistency and seed yield in white clover. Location—IGAP, Aberystwyth Funding in 1989–90—£114,000

Field boundaries: biological components influencing invertebrate predator overwintering

  1. (a) To create overwintering habitats on farmland which favour the development of high numbers of polyphagous predatpors by modifying existing boundaries and by creating new ones.
  2. (b) To monitor the accumulation of predators in autumn and winter in these new habitats together with their dispersal, distribution and predation rate in the crop in spring and summer.
  3. (c) To convert the data into 'packaged' advice which could be made available via Videotex methods with ADAS cooperation.

Location—University of Southampton

Funding in 1989–90—£17,000

Exploitation of predatory beetles and parasitic wasps resident in field margins, hedgerows and shelter belts around grassland To enhance the number and variety of predators and parasitic invertebrates present by increasing the size, stability and diversity of the flora in hedgerows, field margins and shelter belts around grassland and to investigate ways of how this may best be achieved. Location—IGAP, Hurley Funding in 1989–90—£30,000

Epidemiology and inter-relationships between clover viruses of pasture crops and field boundary ecosystems To determine the field host range and interactions of the major viruses and their vectors that infect white clover, relating this to the ecology of hosts in field boundaries and in grassland crops. To identify for development resistant genotypes in white clover and related species and genera. Location—IGAP, Aberystwyth Funding in 1989–90—£23,000

Development of cold-active nematodes for insect pest control Location—IHR, Littlehampton Funding in 1989–90—£36,000