HC Deb 13 April 1989 vol 150 cc619-20W
Mr. Higgins

To ask the Minister for the Civil Service what plans he has for further changes in the role of the Civil Service Commission.

Mr. Luce

In 1982, the Civil Service Order in Council was changed so as to divide responsibility for recruitment between the Civil Service Commissioners on the one hand and Ministers on the other. The commissioners retained responsibility for the selection of middle and senior level staff—about 15 per cent. of the Civil Service. Departments assumed full responsibility for the majority of recruitment —85 per cent.—subject to certain rules laid down by the Minister for the Civil Service.

In the light of current developments in Civil Service management, including the recent Next Steps initiative, it is now proposed to extend the area of recruitment which is the responsibility of Departments. It is proposed that from 1 April 1991, Departments and agencies should be free to carry out their own recruitment to grades and posts below grade 7, except for fast stream entrants. The Civil Service Commissioners would remain responsible for the recruitment and certification of staff at grade 7 and above —the more senior grades—and of their fast stream feeder entries. Departments and agencies, which will then be responsible for over 95 per cent. of recruitment, will act under rules laid down by the Minister for the Civil Service, which will reflect the principle of selection on merit by fair and open competition. The Civil Service Commissioners will advise the Minister on these rules, and will also be required to monitor, independently, their application by Departments, and to report accordingly. The commissioners will be free to publish their advice and reports.

The commission will continue to make arrangements for recruitment to posts which remain the responsibility of the commissioners, and will support their new advisory and monitoring responsibilities. In addition, the Commission will be prepared to undertake, on repayment, recruitment of other grades on behalf of Departments, agencies and other bodies. A new executive agency will be created within the commission to carry out recruitment functions. Departments and agencies, however, will be free to make alternative arrangements for recruiting staff to the grades for which they are responsible, provided they observe the rules that will be promulgated.

A considerable amount of detailed work remains to prepare for the transfer of responsibilities, to establish the executive agency on a repayment basis, and to make the necessary financial and legislative adjustments. In carrying this forward in the period up to 1991 and beyond, the objective will be to secure a smooth transition. There will be full discussion and consultation as appropriate with all concerned, including the staff of the Commission and their trades union representatives.

My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs is considering the application of the proposed changes to the diplomatic service.

In due course it will be necessary to replace or amend the Civil Service Order in Council and the associated general regulations, to give effect to these proposals.