HC Deb 12 April 1989 vol 150 cc588-9W
Mr. Atkinson

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what specific aid has been given to the Angolan Government by Her Majesty's Government in the last two years; and for which specific projects.

Mr. Chris Patten

In 1987, the most recent year for which final figures are available, expenditure was £211,000 on English language training projects and scholarships requested by the Angolan Government.

Mr. Atkinson

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what is the current value in pounds sterling of British Government aid to Angola.

Mr. Chris Patten

Final expenditure figures for 1988 are not yet available. In addition to continuing projects, we pledged £750,000 for emergency relief through international and non-Government organisations.

Mr. Atkinson

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what is the current value of European Community aid to Angola; and how this aid is managed and deployed.

Mr. Chris Patten

Some £66 million has been allocated to Angola's country programme under Lomé III, which runs from 1985 to 1990. Commitments so far have been made to agriculture, fisheries, industry and health.

Following the recent peace agreement, the Community plans to use some of the money which remains uncommitted to help with job creation and reintegrating former military personnel into civilian life. It also plans to give another £26 million for humanitarian, refugee and other assistance. In 1988 it gave some £6 million of food aid to Angola.

Proposals for aid allocations are approved by the Community member states. The Commission and its delegation in Luanda are responsible for managing projects and programmes, along with the Angolan authorities.

Mr. Atkinson

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what is the value of British Government aid to individuals and agencies in Angola not associated with the MPLA-PT Government of Angola.

Mr. Chris Patten

In 1987, we provided £50,000 for relief purposes through international and non-governmental agencies.

Mr. Atkinson

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what guarantees and mechanisms are in place to ensure that British Government aid to Angola is not used for military purposes.

Mr. Chris Patten

In common with our aid to other developing countries, our aid is provided for specific purposes. In Angola these are English language training projects and scholarships.

Mr. Atkinson

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what representations Her Majesty's Government have received from the Angolan Government concerning aid to Angola in the last two years.

Mr. Chris Patten

There are regular contacts between the two Governments about our aid programme. I had friendly discussions with President dos Santos and Ministers during my visit to Angola in February.