HC Deb 10 April 1989 vol 150 c365W
Mr. Cox

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what policy is followed by his Department to help small horticultural companies sell into the markets of the European Economic Community; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Ryder

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food backs the export efforts of horticultural companies of all sizes. Small companies can benefit particularly from the help we give for the establishment of co-operatives and from half price plant health services.

My ADAS export technical adviser provides free advice to exporters. Food from Britain, whose establishment costs are met by my Department, develops and promotes export opportunities in the Community, and gives exporters advice and help. It also acts as our agent in the administration of the agricultural and horticultural co-operation scheme, under which we provide non-capital grants towards formation and initial management costs of new marketing co-operatives and capital grants on a range of buildings and equipment. My officials in the horticultural marketing inspectorate provide advice on the Community quality standards which apply to most horticultural produce and issue export certificates free of charge. My Department also provides a number of plant health services for companies selling within the Community, including provision of the necessary phytosanitary certificates; small exporters are eligibile for a half price concession on these services. My officials also provide for exporters a summary of the plant health requirements of member states, and have set up the voluntary export nursery approval scheme which facilitates the export of high quality produce.

In addition, my Department tries to help horticulturists to respond to specific challenges. They recently held a conference on horticulture and the single European market to promote awareness of the EC Commission's 1992 initiative, and its implications for all aspects of horticultural businesses.