HC Deb 30 November 1988 vol 142 cc289-91W
20. Mr. Dykes

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what progress he can report from the Vienna review conference and the bilateral human rights talks held with the Soviets in June.

Mr. Waldegrave

On the Vienna review conference I refer my hon. Friend to the answer I gave to my hon. Friend the Member for Chipping Barnet (Mr. Chapman) earlier today.

Number Name Date when first introduced with Commission by applicant Subject
9310/81 Rayner and another 31 December 1980 Noise
9511/81 McCallum 31 August 1981 Prisoner's correspondence
10454/83 Gaskin 17 February 1983 Local authority records
10461/83 Chappell 11 October 1982 Anton Piller order
10622/83 X 13 September 1983 Transsexual

The inaugural round of bilateral talks in June was a welcome opportunity for us to press the Russians both on individual cases of concern to us and on the need for fundamental changes to the Soviet system. Progress has been made on a number of individual cases since then, and some legal reforms have been promised. We shall continue to press on both fronts, including at the next round of bilateral talks due early next year.

Mr. Ashley

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list the names of each case listed in his answer to the hon. Member for Hendon, North (Mr. Gorst),Official Report, 1 November, column 547, and the number allocated to it by the European Commission of Human Rights; and if he will also give the same information for cases relating to article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Mrs. Chalker

The names of, and numbers allocated by the Commission to, the 23 cases listed in my answer to my hon. Friend the Member for Hendon, North (Mr. Gorst) on 15 November 1988, are as follows. Where the Government are not aware that the applicant has informed the Commission that his or her identity may be disclosed the letter X is used.

Application number Applicant's name Date first introduced with Commission by applicant
9471 X 3 October 1980
11756/85 X 26 October 1982
11209/84, 11234/84, 11266/84 and 11386/85 Brogan, Coyle, McFadden and Tracey 18 October 1984
12009/86 Gunnell 24 April 1985
11787/85 Thynne 3 June 1985
11978/86 Wilson 10 September 1985
12000/86 Weeks 3 October 1985
12084/86 X 30 May 1985
12391/86 Di Stefano 14 October 1985
11932/86 X 5 December 1985
13228/87 X 28 December 1985
13134/87 Costello 17 January 1986
12769/87 Stevens 5 April 1986
12244–5/86 and 12383/86 Fox, Campbell and Hartley 16 June 1986
12816/87 Vearncombe, Herbst Clemens and Speilhagen 10 December 1986
113163–5/87 X 26 August 1987
13321/87 X 12 October 1987
13447–8/87 X 15 December 1987
14038/88 X 8 July 1988

Application number 12323/86 (Campbell), introduced on 5 July 1985, has been declared inadmissable by the Commission.

There are 22 cases pending before the Committee of Ministers, the Court or the Commission, in which the Government have submitted, or have been requested to submit, Observations on Article 8 of the convention.

Number Name Date when first introduced with Commission by applicant Subject
10843/84 X 14 February 1984 Transsexual
11095/84 X 16 August 1984 Transsexual
11523/85 Grace 27 March 1985 Prisoner's correspondence
11745/85 X 30 July 1985 Interception
and 13595/88 4 January 1988
11756/85 X 26 October 1982 Corporal punishment
12175/86 X 4 September 1985 Official information
12395/86 Chester 10 March 1986 Prisoner's correspondence
12327/86 X 17 April 1986 Official information
12492/86 X 9 October 1986 Immigration
12687/87 X 10 December 1986 Immigration
12769/87 Stevens 5 April 1986 Prison treatment
12816/87 Vearncombe, Herbst, Clemens and Spielhagen 10 December 1986 Noise
13078/87 X 17 July 1987 Immigration
13134/87 Costello 17 January 1986 Corporal punishment
13228/87 X 28 December 1985 Child care
13590/88 Campbell 5 December 1985 Prisoner's correspondence
13681/88 Hocking 15 March 1988 Local authority records