HC Deb 29 November 1988 vol 142 cc198-9W
Mr. Allen

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment how many planning appeals relating to Nottingham were made to his Department between May 1987 and November 1988; by whom they were made; and how many were approved.

Mr. Chope

Between 1 May 1987 and 20 November 1988, 41 planning appeals relating to Nottingham were made to my Department. Of these 12 were withdrawn before determination; and of the 18 decided so far, four have been allowed. Listed below are the appellants, and the outcome of their appeals.

Appellant Outcome
Mr. J. Chi Ping Seung Withdrawn
D. Mabbott Dismissed
Bordgraine Property Services Withdrawn
J. Steeples Dismissed
Terence Doak Holding Services Ltd. Dismissed
Mobil Oil Co. Ltd. Withdrawn
Imperial Tobacco Ltd. Withdrawn
Alliance and Leicester Building Society/Prudential Portfolio Managers Ltd. Dismissed
Mr. and Mrs. Sood Allowed
Mr. and Mrs. J. Codal Allowed
British Telecom Withdrawn
Mr. and Mrs. Samialis Dismissed
Morgram Holdings Ltd. Allowed
Harcharan S. Sagoo Dismissed
Mohammed Aslam Dismissed
Peugeot/Talbot Motor Company Ltd. Withdrawn
George Atkins Automatics Ltd. Withdrawn
John Fox Ltd. To be determined
Mr. V. E. North Dismissed
Just Like That Properties Ltd. Dismissed
Nottingham Regional Society for Autistic Children and Adults Withdrawn

Appellant Outcome
A. R. Marshall and Sons (Haulage) Ltd. To be determined
N. Smith Dismissed
P. Newman Dismissed
Grosvenor Square Properties Development Ltd. Withdrawn
Nottingham Regional Society for Autistic Children and Adults Allowed
Gordon Atkinson Dismissed
Richard Harkouk Dismissed
N.F.C. Properties Ltd. To be determined
British Gas Withdrawn
R. Odolin Dismissed
Michael Hope To be determined
Grosvenor Square Properties Development Ltd. To be determined
Mr. S. J. Hawley To be determined
Grosvenor Square Properties Development Ltd. Withdrawn
City Grove Development Ltd. To be determined
Dr. Aulfat Rusool Ali To be determined
Mr. J. A. Sekowski To be determined
Grosvenor Square Properties Development Ltd. Withdrawn
Mr. T. Kay To be determined
Mr. A. Smith To be determined