HC Deb 14 November 1988 vol 140 cc401-2W
Mr. Austin Mitchell

To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster whether he will publish in theOfficial Report a table showing for the metal goods, engineering and vehicle industries his estimate for the current degree of import penetration compared to December 1978 and the earliest period for which figures are available, together

Class 31 Metal Goods Classes 32, 33, 34, 37, Engineering Industries Classes 35 and 36 Vehicle Industries
1. Estimates of import penetration—percentages
Year ended December 1975 8 29 34
Year ended December 1978 10 36 37
Year ended December 1987 18 50 47
2. Increase in volume of imports (measured as changes in value of constant price trade) 1979 to 1987 percentage +64 +114 +31
3. Increase in volume of exports (measured as changes in value of constant price trade) 1979 to 1987 pecentage -6 +33 +13
4. Percentage change in output between 1979 and 1987 -13 1 -5
(Index of Production, 1985 = 100)
changes for individual engineering classes:
32: mechanical engineering +23
33: data processing equipment and office machinery +264
34: electrical and electronic engineering +15
37: instrument engineering +13
5. Change in balance of trade with the following areas between 1975 and 1987. (In pounds millions.)
(i) EEC 12 -506 -2728 -4199
(ii) EFTA -56 +125 -85
(iii) USA -29 -591 +987
(iv) Rest of the world -41 -1040 +46
6. Change in balance of trade with the following areas between 1979 and 1987 (In pounds millions.)
(i) EEC 12 -491 -2376 -2698
(ii) EFTA -56 +83 +30
(iii) USA -29 +23 +1092
(iv) Rest of the world -88 -1942 +119
7. Changes in the volume of spending on new fixed capital investment by manufacturing industry are shown below:
Change in gross spending between 1973 and 1987 +9 per cent.
Change in gross spending between 1979 and 1987 -10 per cent.
Change in net spending between 1973 and 1987 -74 per cent.
Change in net spending between 1979 and 1987 -78 per cent.

Mr. Austin Mitchell

To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster whether he will publish in theOfficial Report a table showing for each year since 1976 the value of, respectively, imports and exports of manufactures less erratics in terms of 1985 unit values, together with his estimate of the contribution made to the increase in the deficit in 1986, 1987 and 1988 to date of (a) the change in the competitiveness of British industry, (b) the increase in net investment in plant and machinery by manufacturing industry and (c) the increase in consumer demand for goods; and if he will provide figures of the change in each case.

Mr. Alan Clark

No estimates are available of the contributions made to the increase in deficit of the factors mentioned in the question. The value at 1985 prices of imports and exports of manufactures, excluding the erratic items, for the years 1976 to 1987, is as follows:

with the corresponding increase since 1973 and 1979 in: (a) the volume of United Kingdom imports and exports and in the United Kingdom output, (b) the volume of new fixed capital investment in manufacturing industry gross and net of capital consumption and (c) the change in the balance of trade with the EEC 12, European Free Trade Association, the United States of America and the rest of the world.

Mr. Alan Clark

Relevant information is in the following table. It has not been possible to make comparisons with 1973 figures due to classification changes.

Trade in manufactures excluding erratics
(Balance of payments basis) £ billion 1985 prices
Imports Exports
1976 24.7 39.6
1977 27.0 42.3
1978 30.8 42.8
1979 35.8 42.5
1980 33.6 42.0
1981 35.4 40.9
1982 39.3 41.1
1983 44.3 40.5
1984 49.5 44.6
1985 51.9 48.0
1986 55.0 48.5
1987 60.6 52.3