§ Mr. Austin MitchellTo ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) whether he will publish in theOfficial Report a table showing by range of total income the estimated number of one-earner and two-earner married tax units above and below pensionable age paying tax and their income tax liability in the current financial year on the basis of a transferable married allowance of £5,000 and a band of £3,000 at 15 per cent. followed by bands of £2,000 at 25 per cent., £7,500 at 35 per cent., £8,500 at 40 per cent., two bands of £9,000 at 45 and 50 per cent. and a band of £20,000 at 55 to a maximum rate of 60 per cent. on income in excess of £64,000, assuming that, apart from all other income tax allowances and reliefs are abolished;
(2) whether he will bring up to date at 1988–89 incomes the figures given in his reply dated 25 July 1986, Official Report, column 670, for tax liabilities under an alternative regime for taxation of incomes, but increasing the nil-rate band for single persons to £2,500 and reducing that for married couples to £2,000, increasing the exempt allowance for marrieds to £3,000, reducing the 15 per cent. band for singles from £2,000 to £1,500, reducing the standard rate from 28 to 25 per cent. and the band to £7,250 for singles and £9,500 for married couples, respectively, increasing the rate of claw-back under (c) to 50 per cent. of total income above £5,000 and £10,000 for singles and marrieds, respectively, instead of 25 per cent. above £6,000 and £8,000, and excluding from the claw-back under (d) the relief for superannuation contributions and donations to charities.
§ Mr. Norman LamontI regret that the information could be provided only at disproportionate cost.