HC Deb 04 November 1988 vol 139 cc814-8W
Mr. McCrindle

To ask the Secretary of State for Energy if he will list the alternative energy projects for which the Government have provided financial assistance over the past 12 months; whether this is intended as short, medium or long-term assistance; and if he will make a statement.

8. Mr. Michael Spicer

Since the inception of the Department's renewable energy research and development programme, over £132 million has been invested and a further £50 million is likely to be spent in this important area over the next three years. Over 250 separate projects are currently under way or planned and the work on each of these varies in time scale according to the work programme set out in the respective contracts.

The Department attaches great importance to the renewable technologies. Our aim is to stimulate their development to the fullest practical extent where they have prospects of being economically attractive and environmentally acceptable. Energy Paper 55 "Renewable Energy in the UK: The Way Forward" published in June and available in the Library of the House sets out our view of the development strategy for renewable energy to the year 2000, together with an estimate of the support to be shared between Government and industry on an increasing level of collaboration.

Renewable energy projects for which the Department has provided financial assistance over the past 12 months are listed in the table.


Biofuel projects

  • BR5/2—Coppiced trees as energy crops
  • BR5/3—Single stem trees as energy crops
  • C4/1 Straw combustion trials
  • Integ of forestry for energy with agriculture
  • Assessment of basic landfill microbio pt. II
  • C4/1—Support to straw combustion trials
  • Coppice weed control
  • BR5/4 Large scale trials of short rotation coppice
  • BR4/3 Eqp trials—harvesting processing and storing
  • C5/2—Wood combustion trials
  • Model for refuse processing
  • C5/2—Support to wood combustion trials
  • National assessment of LF gas production—ph. 1
  • C5/03 Monitoring of project 1557 (fibroheat)
  • Support services in forestry and energy
  • C4/6; Consultancy in farm wastes as fuel area
  • Development of a mobile straw wafering machine
  • Development of a mobile straw wafering machine
  • Thermochemical conversion of wastes and biomass
  • RDF combustion trials
  • Peat as fuel
  • Fouling and corrosion studies
  • Cyclone combustor with integrated ash removal
  • Modified chain grate stoker shell boiler
  • Waste processing and emissions monitoring
  • Shredded waste derived fuel storage bunker trials
  • Hydrogeological assessment
  • Review of market for industrial waste combustors
  • Pre treated refuse
  • RDF combustion programme consultancy services
  • RDF combustion
  • Methane recovery from anaerobic digestion of MSW
  • Access agreement 2 on project 1668
  • Review of private waste disposal contracting ind

Geothermal energy projects

  • Consultancy studies
  • Marchwood access licence
  • Southampton district heating monitoring
  • Geothermal project at Rosemanowes: phase 2B
  • Seismic monitoring in South West England: 1987 to 1989
  • Cost modelling of HDR systems
  • Geothermal project at Rosemanowes: phase 2C
  • Project management study at Rosemanowes quarry
  • 816
  • Development of geothermal power plant TWVC
  • Commercialisation studies at Rosemanowes quarry
  • Consultancy services for prog
  • Radon gas measurement in CSM reservoir
  • Hydro thermal alteration of granite to 250 celcius
  • Infra-structure study—Weardale and Cumbria
  • Environmental study at Weardale and Cumbria
  • Geochemical studies of HDR reservoirs

Hydro projects

  • Feasibility of pneumatic hydro-electric systems
  • Performance and economics of pneumatic water engine
  • Pneumatic low head hydro systems (monitoring)
  • Wells turbine pneumatic power conversion
  • Potential resource in United Kingdom and Northern Ireland

Solar projects

  • Operating agent for IEA task III
  • Bebington Trombe Wall house trial
  • Seri-res refinement
  • Housing layout design guide
  • Performance analysis service II
  • House design guide
  • Non domestic design studies I
  • Field trials team 2
  • Linford/Pennylands book
  • Field trials team 1 phase II (project 1169)
  • Field trials team 1 phase III (project 1169 1571)
  • Test cells 2 (EEC)
  • IEA task XI
  • Criterion values I
  • Cost analysis service II
  • Preformance analysis review I part I
  • Heat transfer coefficient review phase I
  • Performance analysis review III
  • User interface development I
  • Performance analysis review IV
  • Test cells 3
  • Code development II
  • Applicability study I
  • IEA task VIII sub task C
  • United Kingdom/United States test rooms
  • Liaison with institutions
  • Programme consultancy 2 (AB)
  • Fenestration 2000—market context study
  • Atrium/cons review
  • Non domestic building design studies 2
  • Non domestic design studies phase 2 (ATRIA)
  • House design studies II (Midlands)
  • House design studies II (South)
  • Performance analysis service
  • Assistance to the passive solar programme
  • Airflow modelling review project

Wind projects

  • Base consultancy to wind energy programme
  • Prediction of fatigue damage in wind turbines
  • Finite element modelling of wind turbines
  • Near wake wind tunnel studies
  • Monitoring equipment for 60m HAWTG LS-1 phase II and III
  • Consultancy to project 1361
  • Fatigue evaluation of wood laminates
  • Wind energy cost modeling
  • Synchronous/induction generator testing
  • Fatigue strength of weld details
  • Modal survey of prototype 25m VGVAWTG
  • Assessment of wind potential at WEC sites
  • Analysis of flexible WTGS
  • Development of turbine for Richborough site
  • Turbulence spectra for rotating VAWTG
  • Test of a WTG with stall regulated blades
  • Relocation of the 28m mast Orkney
  • Prediction of community noise levels due to WT OP
  • Fatigue tests of wood blade/stud interfaces
  • Wind tunnel evaluation of thick aerofoil sections
  • Design of support structure mech and elec systems
  • Use of wood for large WTG rotors
  • Survey of control methods for VAWTS
  • Flow visualisation in United States of America
  • 817
  • Wind measurement at west sole
  • Review of GRP WTG blades and design codes
  • Outline design of LS-2 MW-Scale HAWTG
  • Benchmark exercise on load prediction
  • Validation of unsteady flow study
  • Effect of turbine rotation on maximum lift coefficient
  • Stall control on WTGS
  • Performance prediction for stalling HAWTGS
  • Direct coupled generators for large WTGS
  • Weight/cost projections for MW VAWTGS
  • Parametric cost study of large HAWTGS
  • Fatigue of welded joints in WTGS
  • VAWTG aerodynamics in the environment + w/tunnels
  • Full scale flow visualisation of WTG
  • Long term fatigue measurements on MS-1
  • Long term wind + performance data for MS1
  • Options for variable speed operation of HAWTGS
  • Base consultancy continuation
  • Sensitivity of design of Howden 1 MW WTG
  • Investigation of the onset of stall on WTG blades
  • Characterisation of wake turbulence
  • Detail design of 1.2 MW Vawtg
  • Design of aerofoils specifically for Vawtgs
  • Extension of adaptive control techniques
  • Noise + visuals characteristics of WTG in Milton Keynes
  • 60 M WTG performance monitoring phase 4
  • Design of aerofoil sections for HAWTGS
  • Wind turbine control systems modelling + design
  • Design construction + demo of MS3 WTG
  • Study of an all wood composite rotor
  • TWT investigations of wake structure in wind farms
  • Environmental constraints on United Kingdom wind resource
  • Further development of finite element dynamic code
  • Future development or the Howden 750Kw/1mw WTS
  • Control system simulation package WTS executive group
  • Performance monitoring of Orkney Hants
  • Further studies of the vertical axis wind turbine
  • Construction of Carmarthen bay 25mv Vavgwtg
  • Performance monitoring of 25M Vavgwtg.

Tidal energy projects

  • Further consideration of Caisson design
  • Air turbines for the tidal barrages
  • Hydraulic effects of a tidal barrage
  • Mersey barrage feasibility study stage I
  • Tidal barrage construction
  • Consultancy in tidal power
  • Post-barrage densities of birds: wader study
  • Migratory fish—passage through low head turbines
  • Wader migration
  • Ecology of sub estuaries of the Severn
  • Post barrage densities of birds: inverterbrates
  • Post barrage densities of birds: sediments
  • Severn barrage preparation of work programme public con
  • Generic steel designs (SCI)
  • Severn barrage development project
  • Predicting marginal veg post barrage environment

Wave energy projects

  • Operation and maintenance of Cadham wave tank
  • Wave energy studies
  • Work on Wells turbine
  • Development of small scale sea clam
  • Small scale low cost wave energy devices (phase 1)
  • Wave tank facility University of Edinburgh
  • Small scale low cost wave power devices (phase II Further work on PS Frog

General studies projects

  • Common costing methodology for renewables
  • Res and energy efficiency in Cornwall
  • Impact of IC N N energy R & D
  • CCC energy study support (project 1595)
  • Simple costing methodology for RE programme
  • Watt Committee Renewable Energy Resources Project

Note: The work on some of these projects may have been completed prior to November 1987, and financial assistance represents final pricing with respect to individual contracts.

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